HOA NEW Homeowner Guidebook

GRINDER PUMP MAINTENANCE AND GUTTER CLEANING An important part of every home and building in the Club is the Grinder Pump Tank, which collects and breaks down household waste, eventually sending the material into the HOA pressurized sewer system. It is especially important that you have your pump inspected and serviced annually. Having a tank overflow due to non-working pumps can create a serious EPA problem and could also lead to an expensive repair.

So, what do you get when you use this service?

• An “oil change” and tune up for your grinder pump.

Open the tank.

Pump the tank down.

• Clean the tank and all the components with water and degreaser.

• Run a full cycle of the grinder pump, ensuring that it is running as it should.

• Inspection of the condition of the: ➢ Pipes ➢ Tank framework

➢ Electronic components and switches in the panel and tank

• Adjust the floats as needed for proper operation.

• An inspection report informing you of the condition of your pump and any suggested repairs.

• Report to you the status of your grinder pump and if any issues were discovered.

While this service does not guarantee that your pump will not experience any problems (grinder pumps have a possible life expectancy of 10 years, but only have a manufacturer warranty of 12 months), it will help prolong the life of the pump and in some cases head off more expensive repairs. As a convenience to you, while the maintenance is being performed, the grinder pump will remain operational during the process.

This service should be performed before the winter season arrives and the temperatures drop, as it is difficult to clean the pump when temperatures are below freezing.

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