HOA NEW Homeowner Guidebook

community. It is incumbent upon you to alert the guard gate in advance of any guests or workers coming to your home. We have made this very easy by offering you a Long Term Guest List to provide information about people who go to your home on a regular basis and they will always have permanent access to visit. For the occasional visitor of worker, please call the gate in advance to alert them of their impending arrival. In addition, for Club Members, you can use the Club Member App to alert the gate to visitors who are coming to visit you in the community. - Outdoor Construction Hours – We know you relish the wonderful mountain setting and are cognizant of how important peace and quiet can be as you enjoy your retreat. Thus, we currently only allow outdoor work to occur on Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Contractors/landscapers, etc. doing outside, noisy work are not allowed to enter the community outside of this schedule and they will be turned away at the gate if they attempt to do so without prior approval of the HOA management. - Architectural Control Committee (ACC) – Any exterior modification of your lot or home that falls under the Design and Construction Standards needs to be approved in advance by the ACC. It is important you have a good knowledge of the Design and Construction Standards before making any exterior alteration. Please click here -> ACC Design & Construction Standards to view these Standards and for more information. - Tree Removal/Heavy Pruning Approval – We attribute a lot of the beauty in Cullasaja to the lush and well-maintained landscaping. To that end, there are strict rules about cutting down trees and trimming vegetation. If you wish to cut any living or dead tree that is 3 inches or greater in diameter at the base, it needs to be approved ahead of time by the HOA. Also, pruning of vegetation like Rhododendron beyond 1-2 years maintenance pruning requires advance approval. Please contact Mona Humphrey or Suzanne Roweton to start the approval process for cutting/trimming of vegetation. - Other FAQ’s – Printed inside the annual HOA Member Directory are several other Frequently Asked Questions that will provide you with more answers.

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