HOA NEW Homeowner Guidebook

Cullasaja HOA Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the speed limit in the community? • The speed limit is 20 mph throughout the community. Our Security Team does setup radar and stations at stop signs to ensure compliance with speed and heeding all stop signs for the safety of our residents. Q. Is there community trash pickup service at Cullasaja? • Household garbage pickup service is provided by J&B Disposal. You will need to contact them directly at (828) 369-2727. Q. In the event of snow or ice, who do I contact to have my driveway cleared? • Your main point of contact during a snow/ice situation is the Security gate. They keep a list of homeowners that would like their driveway cleared. The list is on a first come, first serve basis. Driveways are not automatically cleared, so you will need to contact Security after each weather event. (828) 526-3720 High Speed Fiber Optic Internet Service The Cullasaja Community is covered by the “Cullasaja Net”. The entire community is equipped with broadband internet service provided by BalsamWest and paid for in your annual HOA dues. Q. Who do I contact if I need to set up my internet? • If you have never set up BalsamWest Internet Service, you will need to contact Gary Clark at (828) 526-2190. Q. Who do I contact if I am having trouble with my internet? • If you are having internet issues, contact BalsamWest at (828) 339-2999 or send an email to support@balsamwest.net

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