May & June 2023 Newsletter (Final)


2023 CULLASAJA MAY FITNESS CLASS SCHEDULE Classes Begin Monday, May 8 th – Aqua begins Monday, June 5 th and ends Friday, August 25 th

Monday 8:30 Tonic Spin with Core & Arms with Elizabeth 9:30 Roll Your Pain Away with Erica Tuesday 10:00 Sculpt Pilate Barre with Elizabeth 11:00 Restorative Yin Yoga for Flexibility with Elizabeth Wednesday 8:30 Spinning through the Decades with Manu 9:30 Golf Strength and Stretch with Manu

Thursday 10:00 Sculpt Pilate Barre with Elizabeth 11:00 Golden Yoga—Stretching Into Your Best Years with Manu Friday 8:30 Tonic Spin with Core & Arms with Elizabeth 9:30 Stand Tall & Strong with Elizabeth

Elizabeth will be updating the Fitness Class Schedule in May and some of the above classes may change. Stay tuned for the regular schedule starting in June.

WELCOME HOME WELLNESS MIXER Saturday, May 20 th at 11:00 a.m. in the Activity Center

Stop by the Activity Center to meet and greet the 2023 Wellness team, get oriented on the fitness equipment, and discuss any health or fitness goals with our Wellness Team! Learn about our new fitness class schedule, massage therapy and personal training all while enjoying healthy snacks and juices. The Wellness Team can’t wait to see you and work with you in 2023!


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