May & June 2023 Newsletter (Final)
TONIC SPIN WITH CORE & ARMS This spin class can be an easy or invigorating head to toe class
emphasizing cycling drills for cardiovascular training. While mastering form on the bike, I incorporate intervals of upper body and core resistance work to strengthen and tone.
We will combine strength – style movements with Pilates and Barre techniques in a fusion 45-minute class that challenges you. Each class will vary with one or two exercise props. We will flow through exercises with optional bands, weights, small Pilates balls or a Pilates ring while focusing on form, balance, and posture.
RESTORATIVE YIN YOGA FOR FLEXIBILITY Bring on the Bliss! Yin yoga is a gentle, slow, meditative form of yoga that emphasizes on Prana breathing and on mindfully holding poses on a mat. You will Melt into your mat with props like blocks, bolsters, and blankets. While most forms of yoga focus on building muscle strength, Yin Yoga centers on stretching deeper connective tissue such as ligaments, tendons, and deep fascia. This yoga is called yoga of the joints.
STAND TALL & STRONG This class will improve your posture and balance. We will target your posterior chain muscles from head to toe to improve your stability and body alignment. We will incorporate optional light weights or bands to activate your back and shoulders along with targeting glutes, hamstrings, and calves. This class will end with stretches.
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