2024 Tennis Guidebook
Strokes Clinic Join us for an hour instructor-fed drills, individualized skill instruction while we review and go over the basic foundational skills of tennis! Great for players who are still learning to rally or intermediate players who want some reps on a specific stroke. JUNE & JULY Tuesdays 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Cost: $20 per person Instructor(s): Heather and/or Kate
Limited to 8 participants (if 2 instructors are available) Limited to 4 participants (if 1 instructor is available)
Intermediate Drills & Games Join us for an hour of fun-filled Live-Ball Drills, Games & Strategy with some instructor fed drills mixed in! Great for players who are able to rally and feel confident to join in on regular matches. JUNE & JULY Fridays 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Cost: $20 per person Instructor(s): Heather and/or Kate
Limited to 8 participants (if 2 instructors are available). Limited to 6 participants (if 1 instructor is available).
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