May & June 2023 Newsletter (Final)
toppings of your choice, we hope that this is a burger that you’ll remember into the winter months. For those that enjoy finishing their meals off with a sweet treat, there will be no shortage of options to choose from this season! Chef Lee is back this season and has been working on recipes that I know my dentist will not approve of. In addition to new menu items, we are thrilled to announce the addition of a new staff member to our team! We realize that having a team of enthusiastic, motivated professionals is essential to our success, and we’re confident that our newest hire will be a great addition. Our new staff member brings with them a wealth of knowledge and experience to our team. With a deep background in exclusive clubs and resorts, Nathan Williams is a talented individual who is well-versed in the field and our team is already benefiting from their presence. We are confident that Nathan will be a great asset to our team and help us reach our goals. Nathan is a graduate of the Greenbrier Resort apprenticeship program, has worked at the Everglades Club, and spent last season at Highlands Falls Club. We are very excited to have him join our team here at Cullasaja Club.
Our team and I look forward to a season packed with fresh menus, cooking classes, Chef’s Tables, wine dinners, and much, much more. We’ll see you all in the dining room soon!
Chimichurri Recipe Chimichurri is an uncooked sauce popular in Argentina, Uruguay, and parts of Latin America. Chimichurri has been an essential part of South American cuisine for centuries. In Argentina and
Uruguay, it is traditionally served with asado, grilled meats, and grilled fish. It is also commonly used as a marinade for steak, chicken, and other meats. The origin of the name is uncertain, but it is believed to be a corruption of the Basque phrase “tximitxurri”, meaning “a mixture of several things in no particular order”. It has been suggested that the name may have been derived from the English word "chimney," due to its similarity to the sauces found in English pubs. The first recorded recipe for chimichurri appeared in the book “The Art of Argentine Cooking”, published in 1945. Since then, the sauce has become an integral part of the
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