August 2023 Newsletter - To Printer


DOUBLES TIP OF THE MONTH: “How to avoid having to hit Lobs” Most players hate having to hit lobs because they get out of their comfort zone. If you are one of them, here's a simple tip to avoid getting lobbed: hit your ground-strokes and approach shots with backspin. This makes it hard for opponents to get under the ball and hit it high because the ball stays low off the ground and the backwards spin does not favor lobs. It climbs down their racquet face somewhat. Also, good lobbers love to park themselves on the baseline because it’s easy to hit lobs from this position. You must take a lobber out of their comfort zone. You can jam them with your return by hitting the ball right in front of them so they can’t get into position to swing or hit a shorter ball that makes it harder for them to get into position to hit a winning lob. Just don’t hit the ball too short as that would bring them into net for a volley or overhead smash and lastly, don’t close the net too tight on an approach shot. THE RED AND BLUE TENNIS TOURNAMENT & HAPPY HOUR WAS A BIG HIT! Paul Pavlis’ Red Team, with a team score of 70, beat Jan Pavlis’ Blue Team, with a score of 65. Rather than prizes for the winners, the losing team hosted a Happy Hour with homemade appetizers for tournament participants on the Activity Center deck. All that joined us really loved the new event, especially the Red Team.


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