Tennis - 2023 Guidebook

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2023 Tennis Experience

2023 Weekly Tennis Schedule Mondays: 9:30 A.M. Complimentary Warm-up Drill 10:00 A.M. Ladies’ Doubles 1:30 P.M Har-Tru “Pickleball” Tuesdays: 10:00 A.M. Men’s Doubles Wednesdays: 9:30 A.M. Complimentary Warm-up Drill 10:00 A.M. Ladies’ Doubles Thursdays: 10:00 A.M. Men’s Doubles Fridays: 9:30 A.M. Complimentary Warm-up Drill 10:00 A.M. Ladies’ Doubles Saturdays: 10:00 A.M. Men’s & Ladies’ Doubles Sundays: Open Play All Day

2023 Major Tennis Events

May 27

Welcome Home/New Member Tennis Mixer

June 10

Red and Blue Tennis Mixer Strawberries & Cream Mixer Men’s Doubles Championship

July 1

July 15 July 29

Ladies’ Doubles Championship August 5 Mixed Doubles Championship August 19 Ladies’ Member-Guest Tournament Sept. 24 Men’s Doubles Invitational Sept. 29 Tennis Season Finale

2023 TENNIS SEASON Welcome Home Cullasaja Tennis Playing Members! I am so excited with the arrival of the 2023 tennis season! We have created a robust calendar with many fun-filled and competitive tennis events planned this year. I hope you will flip through this tennis guidebook and use it as a reference for the 2023 Tennis Experience at Cullasaja Club. We will have a Welcome Home and New Tennis Playing Member party on Saturday, May 27 th and I encourage anyone interested in tennis to join us for this fun event. I am happy to announce that Joe Sewell will be returning in some capacity this year, and we also have Heather Bell returning after several years being away. Both will help with court maintenance, and they will also be available to hit with, or fill in on a team as needed. Please stop by the courts and say hello to us when you return from your winter homes. We look forward to seeing you and the many new members who will be playing tennis with us for the first time. If you are new to tennis, come see me and we can get you started playing as soon as possible. If you have gone away from tennis but would like to return, we can quickly get you set up to play with others at or near your skill level. Tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by all…I hope you will pick up a racquet and come see what Cullasaja Tennis offers throughout the season! As a reminder, the upper courts are scheduled to be lifted and the lower courts will be top-dressed both in mid-April so they will be in perfect shape at the start of the season. Travel back safely and we look forward to seeing you on the courts.

Yours in Tennis,

Chris Harris, USPTA Instructor Tennis Director

2023 WEEKLY TENNIS SCHEDULE Mondays: 9:30 A.M. Complimentary Warm-up Drill 10:00 A.M. Ladies’ Doubles 1:30 P.M Clay Pickleball or Spec Tennis Tuesdays: 10:00 A.M. Men’s Doubles Wednesdays: 9:30 A.M. Complimentary Warm-up Drill 10:00 A.M. Ladies’ Doubles Thursdays: 10:00 A.M. Men’s Doubles Fridays: 9:30 A.M. Complimentary Warm-up Drill 10:00 A.M. Ladies’ Doubles Saturdays: 10:00 A.M. Men’s & Ladies’ Doubles Sundays: Open Play All Day


Welcome Home / New Member Tennis Mixer

May 27

Red & Blue Tennis Tournament

June 10

Strawberries & Cream Mixer

July 1

Men’s Doubles Championship

July 15

Ladies’ Doubles Championship

July 29

Mixed Doubles Championship

August 5

Ladies’ Member-Guest Tournament

August 19

Men’s Doubles Invitational

September 16

Tennis Season Finale

September 29


Due to the success of the interclub matches with local clubs in the area, we will continue to host these events monthly. We have reached out to Mountain Laurel Club, Highlands Falls, High Hampton, Country Club of Sapphire Valley, and the Sapphire Racquet Club to see if they will join us in reciprocation of these events.

Look for more details on the monthly interclub schedule over the coming months .


Tennis Area Dress Code Tennis specific attire should be always worn by all persons using the courts. Denim fabric, sports bras, tank tops and bathing suits are not considered acceptable attire for men, women, or children on the courts. Ladies may wear shirts without collars. Collared shirts are the standard requirement for men, however, collarless men’s tennis specific shirts such as those available in the Cullasaja Club Tennis Pro Shop are also acceptable. For your safety, tennis specific shoes are required to be worn while playing tennis. Smooth soled tennis specific shoes are required to play on our Har-Tru clay courts. Court Reservation Policies & Procedures Club Members may reserve a court one-week in advance of play. Guests and renters may reserve a court one (1) day in advance. Court reservations may be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by using the Cullasaja Member App or calling the Tennis Pro Shop. During the peak season sometimes, singles play will be limited to one hour, and doubles play limited to one & one-half hours. Most of our tennis mixers are doubles and are set up for two hours of play, but when players are waiting, they will also be restricted to the above-mentioned parameters. Court reservations during peak times will be limited to no more than two courts per membership. All players must register in the Tennis Pro Shop prior to play to ensure the availability of a court. The daily court reservation sheet is posted on the Tennis Pro Shop sales counter so you may check court availability and register at any time. The Club may reserve courts for tournaments and events when needed. Court reservations will be held for 10 minutes before being released. Play by Children: An adult must accompany children under 10 years of age Fees and Services These services are available only to members, family members and guests of members. Individual lessons and clinics are available upon request. Re-Gripping & Racquet Stringing services are also available. Guest Fees: There will be a fee of $10.00 per person per day for all guests.


Tennis Etiquette Excessive noise, racquet throwing, or profanity will not be permitted. To enter and or exit from your assigned court, please use the appropriate walkway and gate, (i.e., do not walk across a neighboring court when it is in use.) Wait for play to stop on an adjacent court before requesting the return of your tennis ball from their court. The only exception would be if you felt they didn't see your ball and it was a danger to someone on their court. Avoid loud talking between changeovers and while playing, so as not to disturb other players. A let should be called immediately when a ball enters your court during play to stop any confusion and or possible injury. If a decision cannot be made on a line call, the call should be "good". Pets Pets are always prohibited from the courts and Pro Shop. Lightning Prediction System “Thor-Guard” The Club is equipped with a lightning prediction system. If you hear a 10-second horn blast, a potential lightning strike may be imminent, and you should seek shelter immediately. Do not rely solely on the horns and if dangerous weather looks imminent, please seek safe shelter away from croquet grounds immediately. If you hear three consecutive 5-second blasts, the conditions have improved and, if you feel safe, continue your outdoor activities Conduct Unbecoming a Member or Guest Recognizing that Members of the Club hold a wide range of views on several political, social, religious, and other issues and that it is incumbent upon all Members to respect the right of other Members and their guests to hold such views. Engaging in or using rude, vulgar, threatening, harassing, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate behavior that disturbs others, interferes with the planning, or conduct of a Club activity or event, or disturbs the enjoyment of the Club byMembers and their invited guests will not be tolerated.



Week ly Tennis Games



THURS. Men’s Doubles 10 am



Complimentary Warm-up Drill

Men’s Doubles 10 am

Complimentary Warm-up Drill

Complimentary Warm-up Drill

Men’s & Ladies’ Doubles 10 am Except for Holidays

9:30 am Ladies’ Doubles 10 am

9:30 am Ladies’ Doubles 10 am

9:30 am Ladies’ Doubles 10 am

Pickleball (Clay Court)

or Spec Tennis 1:30 pm

Please sign up using your Cullasaja Club app, or by contacting Chris Harris at or 828-526-9185 SUN. Possible Men’s Doubles and/or Open Play Day


Sat. July 1

Strawberries & Cream Mixer Saturday, July 1 st (Two Sessions) 9:00 am - 10:30 am or 10:30 am - 12 Noon An annual tradition like no other, great for families and friends alike. Join us during Wimbledon and partake in great tennis and strawberries and cream!!!! Members, Family & Guests are all welcome to come out.

Sign up using the Cullasaja Member App or by calling the Tennis Shop at 526-9185.


Sat. July 15

Men’s Doubles Championship Saturday, July 15 th | Set Teams 10:00 a.m. | 4 Teams Minimum required for event Tournament Event - Regular Scoring. Play with a fellow Member of your choosing. If you want to participate but do not have a partner, please contact the Pro Shop and we will be happy to pair you up.

Please sign up in advance for each event by contacting the Pro Shop. Tennis Tournaments are open to all players of all ability levels.

Sign up using the Cullasaja Member App or by calling the Tennis Shop at 526-9185.


Fri. July 29

Ladies’ Doubles Championship Friday, July 29 th | Set Teams 10 a.m. | 4 Teams Minimum required for event Tournament Event - Regular Scoring Play with a fellow Member of your choosing. If you want to participate but do not have a partner, please contact the Pro Shop and we will be happy to pair you up.

Please sign up in advance for each event by contacting the Pro Shop. Tennis Tournaments are open to all players of all ability levels.

Sign up using the Cullasaja Member App or by calling the Tennis Shop at 526-9185.


Sat. Aug. 5

Mixed Doubles Championship Saturday, August 5 th | Set Teams 10:00 a.m. | 4 Teams Minimum required for event Tournament Event - Regular Scoring Play with a fellow Member of your choosing. If you want to participate but do not have a partner, please contact the Pro Shop and we will be happy to pair you up.

Please sign up in advance for each event by contacting the Pro Shop. Tennis Tournaments are open to all players of all ability levels.

Sign up using the Cullasaja Member App or by calling the Tennis Shop at 526-9185.


Fri. Aug 19

Ladies Member-Guest Tournament & Luncheon Friday, August 19 th | Set Teams 10:00 a.m. | 4 Teams Minimum required for event Tournament Event - Regular Scoring

Please sign up in advance for each event by contacting the Pro Shop. Tennis Tournaments are open to all players of all ability levels.

Sign up using the Cullasaja Member App or by calling the Tennis Shop at 526-9185.


Fri. Sept. 29

Tennis Season Finale Friday, September 29 th | Round Robin Rotation 10:00 a.m. | Lunch at Clubhouse following Play Join us as we celebrate the 2023 Tennis Season in a fun round-rob in team format with multiple partners. This event will not have fixed teams, so you are sure to play with several partners. After play, we will head up to the Clubhouse for a wonderful luncheon and reminisce about all the great memories of the season. Please sign up in advance for this event by contacting the Pro Shop. Tennis Tournaments are open to all players of all ability levels.

Sign up using the Cullasaja Member App or by calling the Tennis Shop at 526-9185.

2022 TENNIS CHAMPIONS Ladies’ Doubles Invitational Bianca Yohe & Micah Ford

Men’s Doubles Invitational Rick Eichman & Bill Rockwell Mixed Doubles Champions Tim Heaviside & Rosemary Cantanzaro Ladies’ Doubles Champions Anne Schaeffer & Susan Mangum Men’s Doubles Champions Rick Eichman & Domingo Moreira Ladies’ Doubles Member – Guest Mary Evelyn Feibelman & Page Barns

Men’s Doubles Member – Guest Don Feibelman & Stan Willie

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