May & June 2023 Newsletter (Final)
WGA 9 & 18-HOLE EVENTS IN MAY & JUNE WGA OPENING DAY ON MAY 23 RD AT 9:30 A.M. We will kick-off the 2023 WGA season with a 9-hole scramble with teams of A/B/C/D players from both the 9 and 18-holers. Chef Scott will prepare an amazing lunch, and our opening WGA meeting will also occur with a special prize drawing at the conclusion. Please make sure you attend this fun event on May 23 rd .
WGA LAUREL CUP on Monday, June 5 th and Tuesday, June 6 th Format: Two-Day Individual Ringer Tournament with a Net Double Bogey Max score with 18-Hole & 9-Hole Divisions.
Round One pairing will be established by player’s handicap and Round Two by your first day score. A Low Gross Prize will be awarded because of the Net Double Bogey Max.
Other WGA June Events June 13 th
18 Holers= Team Stableford (ABCD) / 9-Holers= Scramble (Random Pairing)
June 15 th June 20 th June 27 th June 29 th
“Let’s Talk” Wine & Cheese Party for All WGA Members 18 Holers= 1 Gross + 1 Net / 9-Holers= Odds & Evens
18 Holers= Pin Placement / 9-Holers= One Best Ball and One Best Putt
18 Holers= Interclub with Cullasaja Hosting
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