May & June 2023 Newsletter (Final)


We want you to play more golf in 2023. It is our job to create opportunities for you to meet and play with your fellow members. Participating in “weekly games” is the best way to meet members and forge new friendships. If you are interested in participating in one of our weekly games, please contact the Starter and sign up (See contact info on the right). We hope you were able to spend quality time with family and friends during the winter season. The 2023 Golf Guidebook can be accessed via the Member App and will provide you with easy access to 2023 Tournament Info, Golf Customs & Cultures, and all the Event Flyers for 2023. Thank you for all your support in making Cullasaja Club memorable and remarkable. Our success is truly defined by your enjoyment and participation. If you need anything in preparation for your arrival in May, please reach out!

See you on the course! Charles Beurmann Head Golf Professional

CAP PATROL As you are aware, Cullasaja Club has partnered with an app-based company called “Cap Patrol” which uses a computer program to review scores and event results of a club’s membership and flags those that are manipulating the system. Using past scores and event results, the system features odds and probability to determine if the player should be reviewed. Cap Patrol tracks and attests every round posted at Cullasaja Club automatically. This is a popular program for maintaining equitable handicaps and many of you already use Cap Patrol at your other clubs. Should you have a question regarding Cap Patrol, please contact Charles in the Golf Shop. TEE TIMES General (Golf) Members will still have 14 days to secure tee times (via the App) and 30 days to register for Club Tournaments, except for our three Invitational Events, which require a completed tournament entry card. Family Vertical Guests are permitted to participate in many Club tournaments; however, they will not be allowed precedence over General Members. For questions regarding Family Vertical Guest privileges, please reference the Club Rules in the Member Directory, or speak with a member of the Golf Professional staff.


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