August2024 Newsletter


Chris Harris Tennis Director MID-SEASON 2024 TENNIS SEASON REMAINS VIBRANT: Warmer temperatures of July brought out plenty of tennis playing members to our courts the past few weeks. We had over a hundred tennis players out the week of July 4th alone. A pleasant surprise has been the increase in popularity of Heather and Kate’s Junior clinics and lessons this July. Participation in our ladies’ tennis interclubs at local country clubs has also been very popular. We’ve already had 4 interclubs at Mountain Laurel, Mountain Top, Cedar Creek and High Hampton. I think the ladies have enjoyed meeting new tennis playing friends and the experience of seeing different clubs throughout the mountain range. OUR SECOND ANNUAL, RED & BLUE TOURNAMENT AND HAPPY HOUR WAS A BIG HIT MID JULY.

Scott Taylor’s Red Team including Scott, Heather Bell, Joe Sewell, Bianca Yohe, Mary Wilding, Don Feibelman, JoEllen Ross and Deb Hartman won 69 games total beating Jane Adam’s Blue team with a score of 44. Rather than prizes for the winners, we had the losing team host a Happy Hour for all of our tennis playing members on our new tennis shop deck with homemade appetizers. All that joined really loved this new event, especially the Red team.

CLINICS CONCLUDE FOR THE 2024 SEASON Clinics have been very popular with Members and their guests this season. It has been exciting to see youth on the courts, learning, playing and having fun. Heather will look to continue to grow the youth program during the 2025 Season. Keep an eye out for these future stars coming out of this program. LADIES’ INTERCLUB MATCHES So far, we have seen a growing interest and participation in tennis interclub matches. Chris has worked hard to forge relationships with other clubs on the plateau which has fostered the opportunity for our lady players to play and compete at Mountain Laurel, Mountain Top, High Hampton as well as Cedar Creek so far this season. If you are interested in playing in one of these matches, contact Chris Harris or sign-up on the Member App when they are posted.

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