August 2023 Newsletter - To Printer


It’s always a good feeling to see your hard work and investments payoff. This summer, the rains have been smaller events, typically ½” or less, which are not significant enough to cause bunker issues. We know the new bunker drainage works but it really hadn’t been put to the test until the morning of the practice round of the Men’s Invitational. Overnight we received over 1” of rain in a very short period of time. While we were disappointed that the rain fell at such an inopportune time, we were happy to see that the investment in the new Capillary Flow bunkers paid off. The old bunkers on 10- 15 were washed out and the crew was mostly dedicated to shoveling up and smoothing out the sand. This is a

very labor-intensive process that would only be noticeable if it were not done. Instead of spending time working on more detail work that creates a more memorable experience, a large part of the crew spent the morning hours working on something that goes virtually undetected. The new bunkers had virtually zero wash, what little sand movement that did occur was easily repaired with nothing more than your typical bunker rake and about 5 minutes time. Old Bunker Showing Wash Out Tom Nelson Golf Course Superintendent


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