2024F&B Guidebook
THURSDAY, JUNE 27TH Africa Awaits: Alastair & Laura Lamont STARTING AT 1 P.M.
Hailing from South Africa, Alastair’s life has taken him to both Eastern Africa and Southern Africa, where he has been an integral team member, lodge creator, dive instructor, private guide, head ranger, battlefields guide, and lodge manager across various luxury destinations. Alastair's storytelling is second to none, and his top-notch hospitality training only complements his naturally caring nature & white glove expertise. Alastair's true passion lies in connecting people to Africa. Alastair and Laura both come from well-traveled backgrounds with broad horizons, and they have chosen to settle in the Highlands-Cashiers area . Sign-up on the Cullasaja App starting May 27th.
Cherokee Heritage
You're invited to our Speaker Series on Cherokee Heritage, featuring esteemed members from the Cherokee Cultural Museum. Join us for an enlightening discussion on Cherokee traditions, stories, and customs, offering a deeper understanding of their rich history. Let's celebrate and honor this vibrant culture together.
Sign-up on the Cullasaja App starting July 1st.
6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
The “Real” Top Gun, Frank Weisser
We are so excited to welcome U.S. Navy Commander Frank Weisser to Cullasaja. Weisser is a two-time Blue Angels Pilot, deployed in combat three separate times, including to Afghanistan and Iraq. Weisser, known as the true Top Gun, flew in the front seat as pilot for for the movie Top Gun: Maverick’s in some of the most iconic and memorable scenes, including the one in which Tom Cruise blisters through a twisting canyon uncomfortably close to rocky cliffs and the ground at lightning speeds.
Sign-up on the Cullasaja App starting July 20th.
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