2024 WGA Guidebook
Purpose The purpose of this organization is to: • Plan and conduct organized golf tournaments for Cullasaja Club Women's Golf Association golfers; • Encourage friendship, fellowship, and sportsmanship; • Promote the knowledge of golf rules and etiquette; and • Foster friendly relations with neighboring golf clubs.
Charles Beurmann, Head Professiona l Golf Shop - 828-526-9057
Starter - 828-526-6446 www.cullasajaclub.org
Officers - 2024 President - Monica Treadwell - 239-938-6365 Vice President - Karen Roberts- 828-200-0760 Treasurer- Lisa Butts - 813-765-5782 Secretary - Kitsy Williams - 386-689-5564
Publicity/Communication: Monica Treadwell - 239-938-6365 Member-Guest Chair: Karen Roberts - 828-200-0760 18-Hole Inter-Club Chair: Cindy Kuykendall - 407-718-3235 9-Hole Inter-Club Chair: Jeannie Wolf - 912-604-7879 Events Coordinator: Susan Ward - 561-767-6480 Birdies &Pars: Meredith Baragona - 863-604-3275
Annual Dues
• $75.00 • WGA Dues are billed to each Member's account in January and paid in February. • No refunds after June 1st • Women joining the WGA after August 1st will be charged $35.00 Sign Up for Tuesday and Tournament Play • How to sign up: 1. Using the Cullasaja Member App 2. Calling or texting - 828-526-6446 3. Online at www.cullasaja.org • Sign-Ups must be submitted by 4:00pm the day prior to the event. • Golf Professionals will manage the pairings. • Two scorecards shall be kept by each team. • Recognition of winners will be presented immediately after each event and after all scorecards have been collected. • $0.25 • Each Tuesday play day, 9 & 18 players wishing to partici pate will add a quarter to the 'pig' before leaving the prac tice area. • Participants who 'chip-in' that day will share the amount in the pig. • If there are no chip-ins that day, the amount in the 'pig' will carry over to the following week. • Play for 18-Hole division is 8:30am. • Play for 9-Hole divisions is 10:30am. Chip-In Pig
Guests Playing on Weekly Play Days • The WGA welcomes guests playing with a member on normal weekly play days. • Guest scores will not be used for the tournament and therefore will not be eligible for any prize money. • Preview club members are considered as guests for weekly play days. • Green fees are applicable. WGA Divisions Due to the recent changes to the golf course and its ratings, the WGA now requires three divisions: • One 18-hole division played from V or VI tees with par 72 • Two 9-hole divisions played from either VI or VII tees: • The VI tees are par 72 • The VII tees are par 67 Separate competitions will be held for each of the 9-hole divisions. Division/Tees Played in WGA Weekly Play and Events Players must declare the division and tees they desire to play in all WGA weekly play and events. To be eligible to compete in a particular division or from a particular set of tees, a player must declare their chosen division and tee at the beginning of their second weekly play or event after Opening Day. To do this,
speak to a golf professional prior to the start of play. The Golf Shop recommends the following tees:
• V or VI Tees for 18-Holers • VI or VII Tees for 9-Holers
World Handicap System “GHIN” and Cap Patrol • Cullasaja Club requires established handicaps for all weekly game and tournament participation. • It’s the golfer’s responsibility to post ALL acceptable scores and to maintain an honest and accurate handicap index. (Please see the appendix on page 14 for information regarding acceptable scores.) • Most games played will allow individual scores to be posted by each player, which may be done through the GHIN App.
Eligibility for Weekly and Year-End Prizes • Be a WGA member in good standing. • By the beginning of their second weekly play or event after Opening Day, each player must designate the division and tees from which they will play. • Changing divisions or tees may be done once during the season, at which point the new division or tee will be played for the remaining season. • If changing divisions or tees for a tournament only, the member will be considered as a guest and will be ineligible to win prizes. • Weekly payouts are based on the number of players in each of the divisions playing on a particular day and are targeted to be 30% of the number of players in each division. • Each member shall post her own Equitable Stoke Control (ESC) scores for all completed rounds of play as soon as possible after the round is completed. This includes Tuesday play and other WGA events and tournaments. • Equitable Stroke Control is the maximum score that a person can record per hole for handicap purposes. Equitable Stroke Control is NET double bogey for all players. (Please see the appendix on page 14 for information regarding how to calculate net double bogey.) • There is no limit to the number of times a player can record a net double bogey. • Cullasaja Club uses Cap Patrol to monitor score posting at Cullasaja. You may download and explore the Cap Patrol App as part of your golf membership. • All golf members must pay an annual handicap fee of $40. This fee is charged by the state appointed golf association to maintain players’ profiles. If you belong to another club, your handicap service fee does not travel and will not cover your Cullasaja handicap fee. You are required to pay a handicap fee to maintain your handicap at each club to which you belong.
Birdie & Par Competitions • Each member of the WGA must declare the tees they will play in one of the 9-hole or the 18-hole divisions. • Boxes for recording birdies for the 18-hole division and pars for the 9-hole divisions will be at the scoring table after weekly play and other tournaments. • It is each player’s responsibility to record her own birdies or pars. Birdie Box - 18-Hole Players • Each participant is responsible for posting their gross birdie scores to her birdie card immediately after each week’s play or other tournaments. • Cards indicate the dates and hole numbers. Record the gross score in the appropriate box on the card. • End-of-year awards will be given to the players having the most birdies in their flight. • In the event of any ties, payouts will be divided equally. Par Box - Two Divisions • 9-Hole players will designate if they are playing from the VI tees or from the VII tees and choose the appropriate par card. • Cards indicate the dates and hole numbers. Record the gross par score in the appropriate box on the card. • End of the year awards will be given to the players having the most pars in their division. • In the event of any ties, payouts will be divided equally. Please Note Although not part of the birdie competition, 9-hole players may record any gross birdie scores on the back of their par cards. Doing so will make them eligible to receive a birdie recognition token at the closing luncheon. ALL BIRDIES AND PARS MUST BE PUTTED OUT NO “GIMMIES”
PACE OF PLAY Pace of play is important for the enjoyment of all players in the competition. The cooperation of every member is requested to keep pace of play on time. Slow play by a few people can lessen the enjoyment for everyone on the course. • The goal is always to keep up with the group in front of you, not to stay ahead of the group behind you. • The objective for completing an 18-hole round is four hours and fifteen minutes. Think 15 minutes or less per hole. • If you have lost sight of the group in front of you, then your group is causing a backup. If your group is experiencing pace of play issues, the WGA recommends contacting the Starter. Call or text: 828-526-6446 Slow play will be administered in the following manner: Step 1: A golf staff member will notify the group they are out of position and encourage all players to regain their position on the course. Step 2: A golf staff member will give a verbal warning to the group that they have one and a half holes to regain their position. Step 3: A golf staff member will tell the group to pick up and proceed to the next tee box. All players will record net double bogey for their score in stroke play or loss of hole in match play. The WGA has implemented a time deadline for golf competitions. Scorecards must be given to the Professional Staff by the deadline, or the individual and/ or team may be disqualified from the competition. Deadline for 9- & 18-Hole groups is 1:00pm
18-Hole Calendar of Events
Opening Day - Combined 9-Hole Scramble 9:30 am
Tue May 21
Tue May 28 Tue Jun 4 Wed Jun 5 Tue Jun 11 Tue Jun 18 Tue Jun 25 Tue Jul 2 Tue Jul 9 Thu Jul 11 Tue Jul 16 Tue Jul 16 Wed Jul 17 Tue Jul 23 Tue Jul 30 Mon Aug 5 Tue Aug 6 Tue Aug 13 Tue Aug 20 Thu Aug 22 Tue Aug 27 Tue Sep 3 Tue Sep 10 Tue Sep 10 Wed Sep 11 Fri Aug 23
One best ball of Threesome (ABC)
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Day 1 of Laurel Cup (Individual Ringer) Day 2 of Laurel Cup (Individual Ringer)
Pink Ball (Random Pairing)
1 Gross Plus 1 Net Guess Your Score!
Team Stableford (HDCP)
9 and 18 Play Together! 18-hole scramble form VII Tees!
18-Hole Interclub @ Cullasaja 9:30 Shotgun
Day 1 of President’s Cup (Individual Low Net paired by HDCP)
Let’s Talk @ 1785 House
Day 2 of President’s Cup (Ind Low Net Paired by Day 1 score)
Yes Yes
Stroke Your Own Card – Individual Low Net
Fourball Team Match Play (HDCP)
Patriot’s Cup Pairings Party
Patriot’s Cup (Front Modified Pinehurst, Back Shamble)
Team Stableford (ABCD)
Yes Yes
2 Best Ball of Foursome (ABCD)
Member-Guest “Dirty Dancing” Day 1 Member-Guest “Dirty Dancing” Day 2
Strike 3 (throw out 3 worst holes) Random Pairing
Course Closed for Aerification
Day 1 of Member - Member (Low Net Better Ball of Twosome) Wine & Cheese for all WGA Members @ 1785 House Day 1 of Member - Member (Low Net Better Ball of Twosome)
Yes Yes
Tue Sep 17 Team Mutt & Jeff (Count only scores from par 3s and par 5s)
Closing Day – Combined 9-Hole Scramble
Tue Sep 24
Please note that the WGA recommends the weekly games, but depending
9-Hole Calendar of Events
Opening Day - Combined 9-Hole Scramble 9:30 am
Tue May 21
Tue May 28 Tue Jun 4 Wed Jun 5
One best ball of Threesome (ABC)
Yes Yes Yes
Day 1 of Laurel Cup (Individual Ringer) Day 2 of Laurel Cup (Individual Ringer)
Tue Jun 11 Yes Tue Jun 18 Odds & Evens (1 best ball on odd holes & 2 best balls on even holes) Yes Tue Jun 25 Guess Your Score! Yes Tue Jul 2 Ts &Fs (count only scores from holes that begin with a T and an F) Yes Tue Jul 9 9 and 18 Play Together! 18-hole scramble form VII Tees! No Thu Jul 11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tue Jul 16 Day 1 of President’s Cup (Individual Low Net paired by HDCP) Yes Tue Jul 16 Let’s Talk @ 1785 House Wed Jul 17 Day 2 of President’s Cup (Ind Low Net paired by Day 1 score) No Tue Jul 23 Stroke Your Own Card – Individual Low Net Yes Tue Jul 30 Team Scramble No Mon Aug 5 Patriot’s Cup Pairings Party Tue Aug 6 Patriot’s Cup (Front Modified Pinehurst, Back Shamble) No Tue Aug 13 9-Hole Interclub @ Cullasaja 10:30 Shotgun Tue Aug 20 Scramble — Random Pairing No Thu Aug 22 Member-Guest “Dirty Dancing” Day 1 Fri Aug 23 Member-Guest “Dirty Dancing” Day 2 Tue Aug 27 Strike 3 (throw out 3 worst holes) Random Pairing Yes Tue Sep 3 Course Closed for Aerification Tue Sep 10 Day 1 of Member - Member (Low Net Better Ball of Twosome) Yes Tue Sep 10 Wine & Cheese for all WGA Members @ 1785 House) Wed Sep 11 Day 2 of Member - Member (Low Net Better Ball of Twosome) Yes Tue Sep 17 Team Mutt & Jeff (Count only scores from par 3s and par 5s) Yes Tue Sep 24 Closing Day – Combined 9-Hole Scramble No Reverse Pink Ball – random pairing
on the number of players, the Golf Shop may substitute a more appropriate game.
Major Tournament Schedule 2024
Laurel Cup • Tuesday, June 4th & Wednesday, June 5th - 8:30 am & 10:30 am shotgun starts • Format: two-day individual ringer tournament with a maximum score per hole of net double bogie. • 18-hole & 9-hole divisions • Round one pairing will be established by player's handicap and round two by first day score. • Maximum score on each hole is net double bogey . President's Cup • Tuesday, July 16th & Wednesday, July 17th - 8:30 am & 10:30 am shotgun starts • Format: two-day individual Stableford • 18-hole & 9-hole divisions • Round one pairing will be established by players’ handicaps and round two by players’ first day score. • Maximum score on each hole is net double bogey. Please Note • Please be aware that inclement weather could result in scheduled start delays. • An 18-hole player cannot play as a 9-hole player in major tournaments other than the member-guest. • Exact game day rules will be presented on day of play. • All games will be handicapped by the golf professional staff. • The tournament committee (WGA Officers and Golf Professionals) reserves the right to cancel, change, or modify any of the events as necessary. • All ties will be broken using the USGA guidelines and procedures.
Member - Member • Tuesday, September 10th & Wednesday, September 11th - 8:30 am & 10:30 am shotgun starts • Format: low net better ball of twosome both days • 18-hole & 9-hole divisions • Round one pairing will be established by player’s handicap and round two by first day score • Maximum score on each hole is net double bogey WGA Member - Guest Please Note: To be eligible to play in this tournament, each member must confirm that their guest has a current, accurate and verifiable GHIN handicap index . A current, accurate and verifiable index requires a handicap record validated through a USGA sanctioned program. • Thursday, August 22nd & Friday, August 23rd • Two-player teams • Two-day tournament divided into four 9-hole matches • 18-hole division only • Each member may invite ONE guest. If the field is not filled within two weeks of the registration deadline, then each member may invite up to three guests. Club Championship • Friday, August 9th & Saturday, August 10th - tee times • 18-hole & 9-hole divisions • Championship Flight - stroke slay • Net Flight - individual Stableford Patriot’s Cup Match • Monday, August 5th - Red & Blue Pairing Party! • Tuesday, August 6th - Patriot’s Cup - 8:30 am shotgun start • Format: two-player teams from Red & Blue teams play against each other. • 18-Hole Players: 1st 9 holes - Modified Pinehurst (alternate shot) 2nd 9 holes - 2-person scramble
lnterclub 2024 Purpose: To provide friendly competition among the ladies of local area clubs: Country Club of Sapphire Valley
Cullasaja Club High Hampton Highlands Country Club Highlands Falls Country Club Lake Toxaway Country Club Old Edwards Club Trillium Country Club Wildcat Cliff Country Club
Eligibility: Participants must be active members or guests of each club's ladies golf association and have a handicap of 36.0 or less. For scoring purposes, however, a maximum playing handicap of 32 will be applied.
Fees: Each participant will pay $75.00 per event.
Prizes: Gift certificates for merchandise in the host golf shop.
Events: Foursomes will be composed of players from each club either with similar handicaps or ABCD pairings. Each event is team vs. team. The suggested format is one best ball of the foursome.
Club: Each club will designate an Interclub representative who shall be responsible for publicizing Interclub events at her club and planning the luncheon when her club is the host.
9-Hole lnterclub Date: August 13 18-Hole lnterclub Dates: June 13
Cullasaja Club
Highlands Falls Cullasaja Club Highlands CC
July 11
August 6
September 12 September 26
CC of Sapphire Valley
High Hampton Wildcat Cliffs CC
October 3
Year-End Awards Prizes are awarded for play only on WGA Tuesday sponsored events and major tournaments. Tournament awards will be presented immediately after each event and winners will be further recognized at the closing luncheon. The following awards will be presented at the closing luncheon: Most Improved Player 9- & 18-Hole Divisions • To be eligible for this award: • A member is required to join the handicap roster at Cullasaja. In this case, it’s possible that a player will have two golf club affiliations under the same GHIN number. Please contact Head Golf Professional, Charles Beurmann, directly for assistance in setting up a handicap at Cullasaja. • A member must have a minimum of ten scores posted from WGA events. • Winners are determined by the greatest percentage decrease in handicap index. This calculation includes individual scores from WGA events and all rounds played at Cullasaja. Birdie Recognition Any 9-hole or 18-hole player that records at least one gross birdie during the current WGA season will be eligible to receive a birdie token at the closing luncheon. Birdie Box 18-Hole Participants • Gift Certificates to the Golf Shop or a cash reward will be awarded by flights. • Flights will be established based on a person’s current handicap index and by the number of participants. • In the event of any ties, payout will be divided equally. Par Box 9-Hole Participants - Two Divisions • Division 1: Players playing from the VI Tees. • Division 2: Players playing from the VII Tees. • In the event of any ties, the payout will be divided equally.
Acceptable Scores A score is acceptable for handicap purposes if the round has been played: • In an authorized format of play (see Rule 2.1a) over at least the minimum number of holes required for either a 9-hole or an 18-hole score to be acceptable (see Rule 2.2); i.e., 7 holes for a 9-hole score and 14 holes for an 18-hole score. • In the company of at least one other person, who may also act as a marker (subject to satisfying any other requirements of the Rules of Golf), • By the Rules of Golf (see Rule 2.1b), • On a golf course with a current Course Rating and Slope Rating, where length and normal playing difficulty is maintained at a consistent level (see Appendix G), • On a golf course during its active season. If one or more of the requirements set out above is not met, the score is not acceptable for handicap purposes. (Rule 2.1, Rules of Handicapping) Information is from: https://www.usga.org/content/usga/home-page/handicap ping/world-handicap-system/world-handicap-system-usga-golf-faqs/faqs---accept able-for-handicap-purposes.html Net Double Bogey The net double bogey adjustment sets a maximum score on any hole for handicap purposes ensuring that a bad hole does not impact your handicap index too severely. Calculation: par + 2 + handicap strokes (i.e., pops!) you receive on that hole = net double bogey
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