2023 - HOA Directory - NOTICE!
P - Q - R Quarles, Joe & Nancy, 22 470 Cullasaja Club Drive
299 Peachtree Hills Atlanta, GA 30305
404-697-8199 nancy@atlantafinehomes.com
Highlands, NC 28741 Quinif, Dr. Alice, 252 378 Crescent Trail #107 Highlands, NC 28741 Rajczak, Maj. Gen. William & Lidia, 217 115 Falls Court West Highlands, NC 28741 Ray, Larry & Mary Ann, 15 104 Lake Court #130 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-8251 Reilly, Mike & Martha, 189 179 Lost Trail #272 Highlands, NC 28741 Reynolds, Sean & Courtney, 297 497 Cullasaja Club Drive #178 Highlands, NC 28741
229-224-0230 alicequinif@me.com
111 Lenox Place Martinez, GA 30907 706-860-4375
703-953-0043 - William wmrajc@aol.com
828-200-9297 - Larry 828-200-9298 - Mary Ann lrayncnc@aol.com maraync@gmail.com 850-879-6320 - Mike 850-445-2850 - Martha mmrrrrrr@comcast.net 678-923-8511 - Sean 678-923-2426 - Courtney sean.reynolds@woodpartners.com courtneyreynolds@me.com 901-229-9949 - Randy wrrwrr1@aol.com 770-313-0278 - Jim 770-853-1081 - Diane riddle4iu@gmail.com dianeriddle248@gmail.com 312-342-4166 - Bill 602-315-3131- Diana wpritchie46@gmail.com goddessoth@aol.com 617-962-4500 - Joseph 954-849-3550 - Carol rizzoaviation@gmail.com carolbullock10@gmail.com
2810 Kestrel Drive Statham, GA 30666
743 Bear Creek Circle Winter Springs, FL 32708
Rhodes, Randy & Howard Adcock, 13, 13A 110 Lake Court Highlands, NC 28741
P.O. Box 111017 Memphis, TN 3811
Riddle, Jim & Diane, 50, 51 820 Cullasaja Club Drive #52 Highlands, NC 28741
Ritchie, Bill & Diana Hunt, 30 721 Cullasaja Club Drive #195 Highlands, NC 28741
1050 Beach Road #3H Vero Beach, FL 32963
Rizzo, Joseph, Bullock Carol, 244 308 Crescent Trail #29 Highlands, NC 28741
2848 NE 37th Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308
Roberts, Andy & Karen, 249, 250, 251 112 Lower Cliff Road #208 Highlands, NC 28741
433 E MacEwen Drive Osprey, FL 34229
203-450-1960 - Andy 941-400-6101 - Karen aroberts1726@gmail.com karenroberts@posteo.net
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