2023 - HOA Directory - NOTICE!


Jordan, Lana, 132 10 East View Way #224 Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1911 Joseph,Tom & Carol, 295, 296

The Winston Unit 7A 3657 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta, GA 30319 404-264-9151

678-778-3845 - Lana lanmuejor@yahoo.com

2133 Canna Court Naples, FL 34105

920-216-1296- Tom 920-216-1291 - Carol tom@t-joseph.com carol@t-joseph.com 404-394-1111 libanne@aol.com

39 Crescent Trail #19 Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1911 Julian, Anne, 296 21 Crescent Trail #139 Highlands, NC 28741

9539 Clingmans Dome Drive Knoxville, TN 37922

Kabinoff, Deb, 163 723 Lost Trail #146 Highlands, NC 28741 Karatassos, Pano & Georgia, 166 639 Lost Trail #173 Highlands, NC 28741 828-200-8104 Keener, Chip & Lynne, 334 36 Fairway Cottage Lane #242 Highlands, NC 28741

1440 Flower Drive Sarasota, FL 34239

941-704-1070 deb@debkabinoff.com

920 S Powers Court NW Atlanta, GA 30327 404-256-4703

404-314-0413 - Pano 404-317-4937 - Georgia pano@buckheadrestaurants.com g.karatassos@gmail.com 832-526-4310 - Chip 713-303-5067 - Lynne keener.chip@gmail.com lynnekeener@me.com 954-478-0007 - Patrick 954-471-7483 - Karin patrick@kerneyandassociates.com

365 Promenade Street W Montgomery, TX 77356

Kerney, Patrick & Karin, 43 (Lot)

320 SE 16th Ave. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

pjkerney@aol.com 864-906-1899 - Rus 864-906-1812 - Sharon ruskingman@outlook.com kingmans@bellsouth.net 321-663-0559 - Scott 407-342-0024 - Julia scott@abacuslife.com jskirby@cfl.rr.com 843-318-6668 Ted 843-318-6607 Helena tedkirkp@aol.com 239-273-0657 - Barbara oneearly1@aol.com

Kingman, Rus & Sharon, 186 & 187 (Lot)

118 Lewis Road Clemson, SC 29631

Kirby, Scott & Julia, 272 (Lot)

618 W 2nd Ave. Windermere, FL 34786

Kirkpatrick, Ted & Helena,10 54 Lake Court #99

1367 Debordieu Blvd. Georgetown, SC 29440

Highlands, NC 28741 Knight, Barbara, 114 56 West View Way #88 Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1004

4931 Bonita Bay Blvd #1202 Bonita Springs, FL 34134 239-992-3273


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