2023 - HOA Directory - NOTICE!


Goodwin, Dennis & Michelle, 104 175 West View Way Highlands, NC 28741

42 Freeport Drive Daufuskie Island, SC 29915

843-422-2993 - Dennis 843-422-2994 -Michelle dennisgood@aol.com basketglor@aol.com 601-942-1544 jangraham1955@gmail.com 210-859-2261 - Bill 210-240-6388 - Louree bill.greehey@nustarenergy.com lbg812@aol.com 415-307-3538 - Roger 415-235-7687 - Connie rogergreer@sbcglobal.net cbmoore0807@gmail.com 678-427-5569 - Jim jimmygriffin66@gmail.com 404-931-4629 - Ron 404-402-3216 - Claudia ron.griffin1@gmail.com griffin.claudia@gmail.com 404-520-0697 - Alex 404-274-4491 - Joanne axel144@aol.com joannec50@aol.com 256-783-2883 - Tom 256-783-2887 - Anna tomguffey@aol.com annaguffey@aol.com 571-213-2754 - Michael 571-228-1748 - Linda hamel.michael1@gmail.com lindavh0520@gmail.com 904-591-3702 - Jack 904-612-4385 - Debbie jhanania@hananiaautos.com debnjak1@att.net

Graham, Jan, 41A 44 Bee Tree Lane #260 Highlands, NC 28741 Greehey, William & Louree, 211 137 Kelsey Court #46 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-2576 Greer Roger & Connie Moore, 325 1121 & 1131 Garnet Rock Trail Highlands, NC 28741 Griffin, Jr., Jim, 11, 12, 7S 80 Lake Court #158 (no mail) Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-9918 Griffin, Ron & Claudia, 24 520 Cullasaja Club Drive Highlands, NC 28741 Gross, Alex & Joanne, 218 98 Riverview Court #71 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-1598 Guffey, Tom & Anna, 66 650 Cullasaja Club Drive #143 Highlands, NC 28741

9 Elmcourt San Antonio, TX 78209 210-698-9355

1170 Sacramento Street Unit 8D San Francisco, CA 94108

5685 Long Island Drive Atlanta, GA 30327

30 Queens Street Charleston, SC 29401

1050 Spalding Club Court Dunwoody, GA 30338 678-587-9680

2509 Croasdaile Farm Pkwy #6 Durham, NC 27705

Hamel, Michael & Linda, 285A (Lot)

2122 River Road Jacksonville, FL 32207

Hanania, Jack & Debbie, 265 27 Crescent Court Highlands, NC 28741


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