2023 - HOA Directory - NOTICE!

HOADEMOGRAPHICS ANDMISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Q. How many homes are in the Cullasaja Community? • 292 Q:What do my annual dues cover? • Normal HOA Operations, including 24-hour manned Security Gate, common grounds maintenance, sewer, water, broadband internet service, maintenance of Ravenel Lake, administrative expenses including taxes and insurance. In addition to annual funding of Capital Replacements and Additions Funds. Q:What is the difference between the Club and HOA? • The Club and HOA are two separate entities and are managed by two separate governing bodies.The Club is managed by the Club Board of Governors. The Club includes the golf, dining, tennis, fitness amenities, pool and croquet.The HOA is managed by the HOA Board of Directors.The HOA includes homes, property, Yacht Club, Overlook Deck, roadways and Security entry. HOA residents who are not Club Members are not permitted on Club grounds unless accompanied by a current Club Member, subject to availability and guest fees. Q.What makes living at Cullasaja “care-free”? • Our HOA Team. We are here to make living in Cullasaja easy. We want to take care of you and your needs so you can enjoy your time here. Should you need anything, please contact Mona Humphrey at (828) 526-3646 or the Security Gate at (828) 526-3720 and we will be happy to assist. Q. Shared Employees and Management • Chris Conner, COO • Tim Lamphier, CFO • Meredith MacNevin, Staff Accountant They serve both the Club and HOA in their roles and positions.


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