2023 - HOA Directory - NOTICE!
Animated publication
Directory & Information 2 0 2 3 Security Gate: 828-526-3720 HOA Office: 828-526-3646
1371 Cullasaja Club Drive | Highlands, NC 28741 (828) 526-3646 | Fax (828) 482-1832 www.cullasajahoa.org
Vision Statement (What we aspire to be known for) WE CARE Mission Statement (How will we achieve the Vision)
We Will Understand and Exceed the Expectations of Our Property Owners and Provide Worry Free Home Ownership. Our Purpose (Our daily ‘reason for being’) To Provide Worry Free Mountain Home Living
Cullasaja HOA Staff HOA ADMINISTRATION 828-482-1811 * 828-482-1832 FAX
Chris Conner, CCM General Manager/COO 828-526-3531 Ext. 205 cconner@cullasaja-club.com
Tim Lamphier CFO/HR Director 828-526-3531 Ext. 202 timlamphier@cullasaja-club.com
Will Walz R&M Supervisor 828-482-1460 Cell: 828-347-6025 wwalz@cullasaja-club.com
Mona Humphrey HOA Administrative Supervisor 828-526-3646 Ext. 402 adminhoa@cullasaja-club.com
Gary Clark Field and Services Director 828-526-2190 Ext. 403 Cell: 828-482-2595 gclark@cullasaja-club.com
Chuck Dempsey Landscape Director 828-526-2163 Ext. 401 Cell: 828-342-1030 landscaping@cullasaja-club.com
Steve Mersereau Outside Services Supervisor 828-787-2188 Ext. 405 Cell: 828-347-6162 smersereau@cullasaja-club.com
Stephen Stanley Security Director 828-526-3720 Ext. 410 Cell: 828-508-2050 sstanley@cullasaja-club.com
Suzanne Roweton Outside Services Assistant 828-787-2188 Ext. 406 sroweton@cullasaja-club.com
SECURITY GATE 526-3720 security@cullasaja-club.com Emergency: (Dedicated line) 526-3954
Important: The information contained in the Membership Roster may not be used for private or commercial purposes or on behalf of any charity, political cause or religious organization.
Officers and Executive Committee Bill Walker, President.............................................................wwalker@adsllp.com Mike Buchanan, Vice President..........................................mrbuch@bellsouth.net Jane Adams, Secretary.................................................. janeadams.sba@gmail.com E.G Lassiter, Treasurer......................................................... eglassiter@gmail.com Frank Harris. ....................................................................... fwharris1@gmail.com Mike Reilly........................................................................ mmrrrrrr@comcast.net Chuck Shirk.....................................................................cms_engr@bellsouth.net Esther Stokes...............................................................estherstokes01@gmail.com Tim Wright. .......................................................................... twright@awgpc.com Architectural Control Committee Frank Harris (Chair)............................................................ fwharris1@gmail.com Jean Head Jody Lovell John Lupoli Bill Walker (Board Representative) By-Laws and Legal Committee Sid Nurkin (Chair). ............................................................ snurkin@bellsouth.net Bob Bailey Hensell Harris Jim Stokes Finance &Audit Committee E.G. Lassiter (Chair) .......................................................... eglassiter@gmail.com Jane Adams Tom Bell Frank Forrest Denny Landers Wright Turner Bill Walker Herb Walter Landscaping Committee Esther Stokes (Chair). .................................................estherstokes01@gmail.com Stone Ermentrout 2023 Cullasaja HOA Board of Directors &Committees
Gail Hughes Jill Marshall Mike Reilly Chuck Shirk
Nominating Committee Mike Reilly (Chair). .......................................................... mmrrrrrr@comcast.net Dan Lyles Frank McComas Kent Mergler Ravenel Lake Association, Inc. Dennis Fisher, (President).................................................docfisher50@gmail.com Don Feibelman Ray Joelson Irv Kron Dick Lea Randy McCoy Ed Rothberg Jim Stokes Roads, Infrastructure, Utilities Committee Chuck Shirk (Chair)........................................................cms_engr@bellsouth.net Larry Ray Steve Tyde Safety and Security Committee Tim Wright(Chair)................................................................ twright@awgpc.com Bob Bailey Michael Buchanan Tom Cooper Steve Mendenhall 2023 Cullasaja HOA Board of Directors &Committees Hensell Harris Lang Lowrey Roy McCrorey
Frequently Asked Questions:
SECURITY / EMERGENCIES In an emergency, please dial 911 and then, if possible, the Security Gate. • The Security Guard is unable to leave the gate in case of emergencies but will aid in getting rescue personnel to your door via explicit directions. Q.What is the phone number to the Security Gate? • (828) 526-3720 = Main • (828) 526-3954 = Secondary Q. If I have a guest or vendor visiting my home, do I need to contact Security to let them know? • Yes, you will need to contact Security at (828) 526-3720 or by email at security@cullasaja-club.com for guest or vendor access. If a guest or vendor arrives at the gate and Security has not been notified or they are not on your long term guest list, they could be turned away. Please help us by alerting the gate of your guests/vendors impending arrival. Q.What are contractors’ hour inside Cullasaja Club? • Contractor hours are Monday - Friday, from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. unless special permission is given by Gary Clark, Stephen Stanley, or Chris Conner for after hours or Saturdays. Absolutely no work on Sundays. Q.Who can I call with a homeowner or home maintenance need? • Mona Humphrey, HOA Administrator at (828) 526-3646 • After hours or on the weekend, Security at (828) 526-3720 Q. If I have a maintenance emergency after hours or on the weekend, who do I call? • Your Member Services Division has staff on call 24/7. All you need to do is call the Security Gate at (828) 526-3720 and they can contact the on call Technician and dispatch them to your home. Note: weekend/overtime rates are incurred for services provided after normal operating hours and these charges are automatically applied to your HOA statement. Q.What departments are under HOAMember Services? • Repairs and Maintenance- Supervisor Will Walz, This department can do small “handyman” projects such as, changing a light bulb, changing out water heaters or winterization of your home. They are on call 24/7 to all homeowners. • Landscape- Supervisor, Chuck Dempsey - This department can do most landscape services to your yard and property such as mowing, weeding, blowing, spring clean up, fall clean up, hemlock treatment, debris removal, tree/shrub trimming and removal, snow removal, fertilization and treatment of trees and grass, hardscape projects, and flower installation. • Outside Services- Supervisor, Steve Mersereau - This department manages the outside contractors. Steve can manage projects from large home renovation to HVAC repair with our vetted and insured contractors. We can assist homeowners with major plumbing, electrical and renovation projects.
Q. Does the HOA provide renovation/construction services? • Yes.The HOA Member Services Outside Services division works with a wide variety of insured, licensed and certified contractors, plumbers, electricians, and miscellaneous vendors to provide our homeowners with “carefree” mountain living to complete your project from start to finish. The fee to manage and oversee a project is currently 12.5 % of the total cost of the project. Q.What is the speed limit in the community? • The speed limit is 20 mph throughout the community. Our Security Team does set up radar and stations at stop signs to ensure compliance with speed and stop signs for the safety of our residents. Q. Is there community trash pickup service at Cullasaja? • Household garbage pickup service is provided by J&B Disposal. You will need to contact them directly at (828) 369-2727. Q. In the event of snow or ice, who do I contact to have my driveway cleared? • Your main point of contact during a snow/ice situation is the Security Gate. They keep a list of homeowners that would like their driveway cleared.The list is on a first come, first serve basis. Driveways are not automatically cleared, so you will need to contact Security after each weather event (828) 526-3720. INTERNET SERVICE The Cullasaja Community is covered by “CullasajaNet”. The entire community is now equipped with broadband internet service provided by BalsamWest. This service began in 2019 and is paid via your annual HOA dues. Q.Who do I contact if I need to set up my internet? • If you have never set up BalsamWest Internet Service, you will need to contact Gary Clark at (828) 526-2190. Q. Who do I contact if I am having trouble with my internet? • If you are having internet issues, contact BalsamWest at (828) 339-2999 or send an email to support@westnetwireless.net • BalsamWest has a call center available to you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Please use the phone number or email address above to handle all issues with your Cullasaja internet service. Q. Who is responsible for repairs if the fiber-optic cable is cut? • Cullasaja residents are solely responsible for the cost of any fiber repairs made on their property (from the curb to the home). Please contact 811 to have the fiber-optic line marked before permitting any digging on your property. The cost to repair a fiber line that has been cut is between $500 and $1,000.
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE (ACC) Q. If I want to do a project that will change the exterior appearance of my home in any way, do I need to have that reviewed by the ACC? • Yes, any project that will change the exterior of your home or will change the exterior appearance of your property, including painting and roof replacement, must be submitted for review. Contact Mona Humphrey at (828) 526-3646 for submittal information. Submittal Requirements: 1) Site Plan Showing the Area Impacted with All Lot Lines and Measurements. 2) Floor Plan of the Area Impacted Showing Lot Lines. 3) Elevation Including Colors, Materials, Design Elements including a 2’x2’ Color Board. 4) Written Narrative of the Improvement for the ACC to Review. Q. Do I need to seek ACC approval if I am painting my home the same color or replacing my roof with the same material? • Yes, even if you are painting your home the same color or replacing your roof, you will still need to submit a color board (2’x2’ in size) for review or a roof material sample. Q. Do I need approval before removing trees frommy property? • Yes, you do need to seek approval before removing any trees or shrubs (over 1 year’s growth) or over 3 inches in diameter from your property. Contact Mona Humphrey at (828) 526-3646 and she can schedule an appointment with you to visit your property and review your request. Q.Who do I call with a submittal or any ACC questions? • Mona Humphrey at (828) 526-3646 or adminhoa@cullasaja-club.com
RAVENEL LAKE ANDTHE “YACHT” CLUB Q: Are boats permitted in Ravenel Lake?
• Non-gasoline powered boats are permitted on Ravenel Lake. The HOA has storage racks to hold your personal boat for an annual fee. There is a boat ramp located at the Yacht Club for those who trailer their boats. Q: Is fishing permitted in Ravenel Lake? • Fishing is permitted on the lake so long as it is not along or on the golf course, or off the bridge. There are several species of fish in Ravenel Lake from bass to annually stocked trout. Trout fishing is “catch and release” from October through June (barbless hooks). If you catch bass you may keep those. If you are unsure on where fishing is permitted, please contact the Security Gate or HOA Office. Please note State fishing regulations are in effect and may require a fishing license. Q: Is swimming permitted in Ravenel Lake? • Swimming is prohibited due to low depth and many stumps which could pose a hazard to swimmers. Q: Does the HOA have boats for homeowners to use? • There are several boats owned by the HOA for homeowners to use. Please contact the Security Gate for Cullasaja HOA member use. Q: Where is access to paddles and Personal Floatation Devices? • The Security Gate has a key to the lock box where paddles are stored. Visit the Security Gate to pick up the key and sign a waiver.
Yacht Club Procedure
• If you would like to use one of the HOA- owned canoes we ask that you call ahead to the Cullasaja Security Gate at (828) 526-3720 to reserve a canoe. Before going to the Yacht Club you will need to visit the Cullasaja Security Gate to check out the key for the paddle/life vest lock box. • At the Security Gate you will be asked to sign the Yacht Club Facility Waiver. • Once the waiver has been signed you will receive the key to the paddle and life vest box that is located at the Yacht Club. • After using a canoe, please store the canoe back into the rack where it belongs. • Before leaving the Yacht Club, please make sure to lock up your paddles and life vests in the lock box, put canoe back on the appropriate rack, and return the key to the Security Gate. Rules • Use at your own risk. The Association accepts no responsibility for personal injury, death or property damage in any way related to the dock facility, “Yacht Club” or Ravenel Lake. • The facilities are for the use of Cullasaja Homeowners’ Association, Inc. Members only, their immediate family, and/or guests, and only if duly registered at the Security Gate. Guests are welcome only if accompanied by a member or accompanied by a duly registered adult child of a member. • No one under the age of sixteen (16) may use the facilities unless accompanied at all times by an adult at least twenty-one (21) years of age or older. • All occupants of watercraft must wear a properly fitted U.S. Coast Guard approved life preserver at all times. These are available at the dock facility. • When using the facilities you may not allow entry to other parties who have not registered and obtained authorization at the Security Gate. • When leaving the facility, all items must be replaced and locked securely. The keys must be returned to the Security Gate immediately. Please review the Cullasaja Club Covenants and Restrictions for all rules and regulations related to the use and enjoyment of Ravenel Lake.
HOADEMOGRAPHICS ANDMISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Q. How many homes are in the Cullasaja Community? • 292 Q:What do my annual dues cover? • Normal HOA Operations, including 24-hour manned Security Gate, common grounds maintenance, sewer, water, broadband internet service, maintenance of Ravenel Lake, administrative expenses including taxes and insurance. In addition to annual funding of Capital Replacements and Additions Funds. Q:What is the difference between the Club and HOA? • The Club and HOA are two separate entities and are managed by two separate governing bodies.The Club is managed by the Club Board of Governors. The Club includes the golf, dining, tennis, fitness amenities, pool and croquet.The HOA is managed by the HOA Board of Directors.The HOA includes homes, property, Yacht Club, Overlook Deck, roadways and Security entry. HOA residents who are not Club Members are not permitted on Club grounds unless accompanied by a current Club Member, subject to availability and guest fees. Q.What makes living at Cullasaja “care-free”? • Our HOA Team. We are here to make living in Cullasaja easy. We want to take care of you and your needs so you can enjoy your time here. Should you need anything, please contact Mona Humphrey at (828) 526-3646 or the Security Gate at (828) 526-3720 and we will be happy to assist. Q. Shared Employees and Management • Chris Conner, COO • Tim Lamphier, CFO • Meredith MacNevin, Staff Accountant They serve both the Club and HOA in their roles and positions.
Rules and Regulations Regarding the Use and Operation of Golf Carts on the Common Property • The operator of a golf cart shall comply with all traffic rules and regulations adopted by the Cullasaja Homeowners’ Association (the ”Association”), which governs the operation of motor vehicles on Common Property. Operation of a golf cart within the right-of-way of the road must not impede the safe and efficient flow of motor vehicle traffic. • Golf carts normally can only be operated during the hours between sunrise and sunset. Night driving is allowed if the golf cart is equipped with two operating headlights and two operating taillights. • All golf carts must have efficient brakes, reliable steering, safe tires, a rear view mirror, and reflective warning devices on the front and rear of the golf cart. • Any person who operates a golf cart must be at least sixteen (16) years of age. No person may operate a golf cart unless that person holds a valid driver license permitting such person to drive upon the public streets, roads and highways of North Carolina, and then only in accordance with such driver license. • An operator may not allow the number of people in the golf cart at any one time to exceed the maximum capacity specified by the manufacturer. The operator may not allow passengers to ride on any part of a golf cart not designed to carry passengers, such as the part of the golf cart designed to carry golf bags. • Although it is possible to modify a golf cart through it’s speed governor to go faster, golf carts are only allowed to operate at the posted speed limits of the Common Property. • Each Owner of a golf cart shall indemnify and hold harmless the Association, its owners, directors, officers, employees and agents from and against all claims, suits and liabilities, including without limitation, from any and all damages to persons, including personal injury or death, or damage to any property whatsoever, caused by, arising from, incident to, connected with, growing out of, or related to the use and/or operation of such Owner’s golf cart.
2023 Fee Schedule
Annual Assessment Lot Only.................................................................................... 3,955.00 Lot with Home.......................................................................... 5,599.00 Broadband Fees (Lot with Home Only) Service Portion.............................................................................. 684.00 Construction Portion.................................................................... 330.00 Total Broadband Fee.................................................................. 1,014.00 Capital Additions Fee ................................................................... 100.00 Annual Capital Replacement Fee - Lot Only . .......................... 1,055.00 Annual Capital Replacement Fee - Lot with Home . ................ 1,185.00 Total Annual Fees Lot Only.................................................................................... 3,745.00 Lot with Home.......................................................................... 5,586.00 Repairs and Maintenance Winterization - Up to 4 ½ baths. ................................................. 650.00 Winterization - 5 or more baths................................................... 750.00 Winterization - Open/Close......................................................... 175.00 Winterization - Open/Close (no notice)...................................... 225.00 Weekly Inspection, Monthly......................................................... 110.00 Grinder Pump Maintenance......................................................... 255.00 Landscape (per hour)...................................................................... 38.00 Landscape Stone Work (per hour).................................................. 45.00 Landscape Materials ..........................................................Cost + 12.5% Repair Services (per hour)............................................................... 38.00 Repair Services Parts + Materials........................................Cost + 12.5% Plumbing & Electrical (per hour) ................................................. $50.00 Outside Services Subcontracting Fee..................................Cost + 12.5% Yacht Club, Annual Registration . ................................................. 200.00
A Abney, Joy, 162 729 Lost Trail #220 Highlands, NC 28741
108 Plantation Circle
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 joyabney@mac.com
Adams, Andy & Jane, 202 264 Kelsey Court #40 Highlands, NC 28741
678-429-8288 - Andy 404-353-0761 - Jane andy.adams@sba-inc.com janeadams.sba@gmail.com
Adams, John & Ann, OL14 148 Overlook Villas Drive #77 828-526-3677 Aderhold, Tom & Kay, OL03 18 Overlook Villas Drive #238 Highlands, NC 28741
1700 N. Lake Eloise Drive Winter Haven, FL 33884
863-559-2822 - John adamsfruit@msn.com
2901 Stone Brook Park Brookhaven, GA 30319
404-797-3700 - Tom 404-933-9443 - Kay tomaderhold@gmail.com kphred48@gmail.com 404-405-0309 - Emily bbs45@comcast.net ejabbs00@gmail.com 713-703-4692 - Larry 713-703-4652 - Melba larrylainsworth@sbcglobal.net mtoastainsworth@icloud.com 229-886-9010 - Shannon 229-322-3906 - Grace shannon@akinagency.com grace.saliba.akin@gmail.com 404-670-3194 - Greg 404-731-0681 - Laura greg.alby1234@att.net littlelaura3615@yahoo.com 706-570-0638 - Lynda 850-774-9790 - Michael thetedstershouse@yahoo.com atcguy75@yahoo.com
Highlands, NC 28741
Adkins, Emily & Ben Smith 61 177 Garnet Rock Trail #85
1210 NWWinters Creek Road 772-341-3184 - Ben
Palm City, FL 34990
Highlands, NC 28741
Ainsworth, Larry & Melba, 164
24 Summit Point Boerne, TX 78006
707 Lost Trail #215 Highlands, NC 28741
Akin, Shannon & Grace, 246 & 247 P.O. Box 387
350 Crescent Trail Highlands, NC 28741
Vienna, GA 31092 229-268-4674
Alby, Greg & Laura, 315 342 Cottage Lane Highlands, NC 28741
3574 Dumbarton Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30327
Alford, Lynda & Michael Ruffini, 74 6919 Marina Cove Court
240 Garnet Rock Trail #150 Highlands, NC 28741
Columbus, GA 31904
Allen, Mary Beth, 237, 238 166 Crescent Trail #227 Highlands, NC 28741
P.O. Box 909
Highlands, NC 28741
A-B Anand, Vijay & Sadhna, 286S & 267 750 Park Avenue, Unit 38 NE 404-966-2944 - Vijay 1008 Crescent Trail #59 Atlanta, GA 30326 404-944-3374 - Sadhna Highlands, NC 28741 vijay12@bellsouth.net 828-526-1716 sadhna11161@gmail.com Andes, Jerry & London, LV20 4352 Classic Links Court 404-312-8061 - Jerry 566 Lake Villas Way Marietta, GA 30067 404-314-0313 - London Highlands, NC 28741 jandes@newburger-andes.com landes00@yahoo.com Andrews, Michael & Debra, 2A, 54, 173 6128 Orange Hill Court 407-492-2444 - Mike 64 Norton Lane #222 Orlando, FL 32819 andrewsinvesters@aol.com Highlands, NC 28741 407-876-4800 debpandrews@aol.com Avril, Matt & Kathy, 316 216 Ocean Way 772-494-3074 - Matt 345 Cottage Lane Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-713-9171 - Kathy Highlands, NC 28741 772-234-4015 mea1960fla@gmail.com kavril1@aol.com Bailey, Bob & Mary Frances, 69 7065 North Highfield Drive 205-915-7633 - Bob 50 Garnet Rock Trail #287 Birmingham, AL 35242 bbailey1107@hushmail.com Highlands, NC 28741 (no mail) 205-980-1286 marypbailey@mindspring.com 828-526-9944 Bailey, Byron & Brenda, 213 6026 Pier Place Drive 863-670-2506 - Byron 67 Kelsey Court Lakeland, FL 33813 863-670-8678 - Brenda Highlands, NC 28741 863-644-7608
byronshrimp@gmail.com brendabailey22@gmail.com
Baldwin, Joey & Cristy, 8 & 7S 39 Cherry Tree Lane #79
5 Oakhill Lane SW Rome, GA 30165
706-346-1382 - Joey 706-346-7742 - Cristy
Highlands, NC 28741
josephlbaldwin@yahoo.com bolicita@hotmail.com
Ball, Chuck & Kyle, 90 601 Garnet Rock Trail #210 Highlands, NC 28741
2587 Winslow Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30305
772-559-2436 - Chuck 772-766-4139 - Kyle cball0628@gmail.com kyleball@mac.com
Baragona, Michael & Meredith, 44 4518 Emerald Palms Dr.
305-394-2308 - Michael 863-604-3275 - Meredith michaelbaragona@yahoo.com merebara16@gmail.com
1129 Cullasaja Club Drive Highlands, NC 28741
Winter Haven, FL 33884
Barber, William & Melinda, 41B
134 Williamsberg Court
828-226-9696 - William
(Lot) Highlands, NC 28741 Barnes, George & Patricia (Sister), OL05 102 Country Club Drive
334-488-9041 - George 334-208-4112 - Sister barnesge@outlook.com sisterwbarnes@yahoo.com
34 Overlook Villas Drive Highlands, NC 28741
Andalusia, AL 36421
B Barnwell, Stephen & Brian Seifried, 235 & 236 68 Crescent Trail Highlands, NC 28741
1061 Arbour Trace NE Brookhaven, GA 30319
404-642-9744 - Stephen 770-309-1143 - Brian stephenebarnwell@gmail.com brian.seifriedpvb@gmail.com 229-221-4963 - Karen 716-989-9633 - Dick leabopk@gmail.com rb5456@comcast.net 864-420-2050 - Harriet hplb@bellsouth.net 404-213-4068 - Tom 404-915-0681 - Jennifer tbell@mesacp.com jenbell1105@gmail.com 972-965-9474 - Matthew 972-965-7231 - Elizabeth texas.benders@gmail.com beth@thedoveagency.com 843-810-5827 - Tom 843-324-6157 - Becci bugles66@aol.com beccabew@aol.com 561-212-3048 - Bart bartsbishop@aol.com bdbabishop@aol.com 706-338-1598 - Rich 706-286-2676 - Debi richard.blue@ymail.com debi.blue16@gmail.com 404-558-1900 - David 404-323-9444 - Debi david.bock@outlook.com bock7@me.com 404-217-1201 - Ron 404-275-6967 - Judith rbobo@pinehillinvestments.com judithbobo10@gmail.com
Barry, Karen Leabo & Dick, 102 131 West View Way #258 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-0355
P.O. Box 1184 Thomasville, GA 31799 229-226-2543
Bauknight, Harriet, 245 330 Crescent Trail #55 Highlands, NC 28741 Bell, Tom & Jennifer, 313 265 Cottage Lane #240 Highlands, NC 28741
10 Creekridge Road Greenville SC 29607 864-277-1208 40 Valley Road Atlanta, GA 30305
Bender, Matt & Beth, 79 (Lot)
17316 Club Hill Lane, Dallas, TX 75248
Bewley, Tom & Becci, 331 1520 Cullasaja Club Drive Highlands, NC 28741
4118 East Amy Lane John’s Island, SC 29455
Bishop, Bart & Debbie, 289 241 Crescent Trail #218 Highlands, NC 28741 Blue, Dr. Rich & Debi, 55, 56
1680 Chestnut Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789
11717 Via Savona Court Miromar Lakes, FL 33913
95 Garnet Rock Trail Highlands, NC, 28741
Bock, David & Debi, 88, 234 (Lot)
PO Box 2787 Highlands, NC, 28741
Bobo, Ron & Judith, 92 661 Garnet Rock Trail #6 Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1443
4266 Paces Ferry Road SE Atlanta, GA 30339 678-217-479
Boone, Dan & Marty, 133 70 East View Way #51 Highlands, NC 28741
4123 Spring Island Okatie, SC 29909
404-583-0312 - Dan 843-441-6089 - Marty
danboone111@gmail.com gresham4075@gmail.com 561-379-2380 - Stephen 561-253-4798 - Mary Beth coolguy592@aol.com mbwheel@aol.com 352-214-6999 - Ward 727-492-8229 - Mary Anne wardboston@gmail.com maryanneboston@gmail.com 224-456-7946 - William william_bowles@msn.com tanisbowles@gmail.com 850-545-5106- Robin robin@boyle1.com elvabrady@gmail.com 404-983-6591 - Hines 404-281-1370 - Linda buck540@bellsouth.net lindabb@bellsouth.net 863-221-4710 - Deane 863-221-7895 - Jonye deanebriggs@gmail.com jonyebriggs@icloud.com 470-604-5718 - Dwight 470-604-5719 - Rachel dbronnum@bellsouth.net bronnumrachel27@gmail.com 904-612-6552 - Pat dlbrown3@icloud.com pdwbrown@bellsouth.net 912-484-0849 - Frank 850-445-6753 - Tom 850-766-0127 - Elva tomelvabrady@gmail.com
Boruff, Stephen & Mary Beth, LV12A 484 Lake Villas Way Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-3922 Boston, Ward & Mary Anne, 82 37 Catamount Trail Highlands, NC 28741
603 Oak Harbour Drive Juno Beach, FL 33408 561-693-5114
180 Beach Drive NE Unit 1201 St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Bowles, William & Tanis, 188 (Lot)
17925 SE Village Circle Jupiter, FL 33469
Boyle, Robin, 100 85 West View Way #3 Highlands, NC 28741 Brady, Tom & Elva, 149 334 Lost Trail #42 Highlands, NC 28741
283 Rosehill Drive East Tallahassee, FL 32312 850-545-5106 3669 Mossy Creek Lane Tallahassee, FL 32311 850-325-1900
Brannan, Hines & Linda, 341 154 Cullasaja Club Drive #188 Highlands, NC 28741
2978 Ridgewood Road NW Atlanta, GA 30327
Briggs, Deane & Jonye, 148 236 Lost Trail #61 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-4258 Bronnum, Dwight & Rachel, 42 1051 Cullasaja Club Drive #213 Highlands, NC 28741
138 Odin Drive Winter Haven, FL 33884 863-324-7183
1254 Five Forks Road Lawrenceville, GA 30046 770-963-1715
Brown, David & Pat, 139 894 Garnet Rock Trail #72 Highlands, NC 28741 Brown, Frank & Jan, 111 140 West View Way Highlands, NC 28741
111 Melrose Court Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
1808 Walthour Road Savannah, GA 31410 912-897-3275
912-441-3693 - Jan fabuga74@aol.com gladys8752@gmail.com
Brown, Linda, 67 672 Cullasaja Club Drive #171 Highlands, NC 28741 Brown, Vicki Vogt, 87 491 Garnet Rock Trail #214 Highlands, NC 28741 Browne, Dr. Kevin & Maureen, OL15 158 Overlook Villas Drive #185 Highlands, NC 28741
1875 Eagle Trace Blvd. E Coral Springs, FL 33071 6155 River Chase Circle Atlanta, GA 30328
954-649-8184 - Linda linda.h.brown@icloud.com 678-428-1895 vickievbrown@icloud.com 863-838-4387 - Kevin 863-838-4087 - Maureen kfbrowne@gmail.com browne.maureen@gmail.com bruralph@yahoo.com - Ralph ab@anabruinteriors.com - Ana 251-209-5500 - Louis 251-209-5522 - Cathy cathy.brumback@gmail.com 828-226-2911 - Jim 828-508-9541 - Sheila jbryson407@gmail.com sheilabryson@icloud.com 305-588-7809 - Ralph 305-495-5643 - Ana
1030 Lake Hollingsworth Drive Lakeland, FL 33803
Bru, Ralph & Ana, 129 740 Garnet Rock Trail, #74 Highlands, NC 28741
4950 SW 77th Street Miami, FL 33143
Brumback, Dr. Cathy & Louis Patterson, LV07 428 Lake Villas Way #286 Highlands, NC 28741 Bryson, Jim & Sheila, 151, 152 494 Lost Trail #289 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-3981 Buchanan, Mike & Susan, 64 285 Garnet Rock Trail (no mail) Highlands, NC 28741
P.O.Box 421 Fairhope, AL 36533
P.O. Box 1115 Highlands, NC 28741
1630 Misty Oaks Drive Atlanta, GA 30350
404-234-0345 - Mike 404-234-9440 - Susan mrbuch@bellsouth.net shbuch@bellsouth.net 954-616-7215 - Sean 954-616-7948 - Michelle sean@rsbuckman.com cmishkinow@aol.com 850-830-4954 - Frank 850-585-0203 - Pamela fbbasu@gmail.com pab52230@gmail.com 310-871-1414 jbburnsiii@mac.com 813-480-9366 - Thomas 813-765-5782 - Lisa tbuttsusa@outlook.com lisabutts@outlook.com
Buckman, Sean & Michelle, 71 174 Garnet Rock Trail #123 Highlands, NC 28741
2517 NE 37th Drive Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308
Burge, Frank & Pamela, 9 30 Lake Court Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-9725 Burns, John, 229 2020 Cullasaja Club Drive Highlands, NC 28741 Butts, Thomas & Lisa, 329 (Lot)
522 Walton Way Miramar Beach, FL 32550 850-650-8234
2511 W. Sunset Drive Tampa, FL 33629
Butler, Betsy & Farah Reynolds, OL07 56 Overlook Villas Drive #157 Highlands, NC 28741
1460 N Morningside Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30306 404-873-6963
404-314-1663 - Betsy 423-462-1096 - Farah ejbutler@mindspring.com farahgreynolds@hotmail.com 404-242-5900 - Bill bill@caire.email 281-222-9217 - Tim 713-299-1492 - Bobbie mtc128@me.com bobbiercarey@icloud.com 404-444-4928 - Richard 404-202-7313 - Nancy r-carpenter@mindspring.com n-carpenter@mindspring.com 404-234-2659 - Randy 404-234-2645 - Vickie jrc45@bellsouth.net vgc48@bellsouth.net 561-289-3641 - Brendan 561-926-7685 - Shay bcavanagh@sbasite.com shaycavanagh@gmail.com 405-850-1040 - John 405-823-4449 - Christa jwchain@gmail.com christachian@me.com dan.ciarametaro@varian.com rene.ciarametaro@gmail.com 404-310-3478 jimc@clevelandgroup.com 334-524-8541 - Phil 334-740-1059 - Julienne pchighlands@gmail.com jpclowdus@gmail.com 404-312-2788 - Tom 404-219-5915 - Millie tomcoleman@comcast.net milliecoleman@comcast.net
Caire, Bill, LV21 576 Lake Villas Way #254 Highlands, NC 28741 Carey, Tim & Bobbie, 248 & 81
4951 Bonita Bay Blvd. Unit 404 Bonita Springs, FL 34134 239-908-3429 14111 Indian Wells Drive Houston, TX 77069 281-583-2512
88 Catamount Trail #12 Highlands, NC 28741
Carpenter, Richard & Nancy, 19 394 Cullasaja Club Drive Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-4656 Carroll, Randy & Vickie, 165
3080 Pedenville Road Concord, GA 30206
170 Sage Run Trail Johns Creek, GA 30097-8050 678-417-6200
667 Lost Trail (no mail) Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1205
4565 South Lake Drive Boynton Beach, FL 33436
Cavanagh, Brendan & Shay, 108, 109 228 West View Way #128 Highlands, NC 28741
Chain, John & Christa, 222 162 Riverview Court #201 Highlands, NC 28741
3109 Hackberry Road Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Ciarametaro, Dan & Rene, 85 (Lot) Cleveland, Jimmy, 62 960 Crescent Trail #248 Highlands, NC 28741 Clowdus, Phil & Julienne, 312
9505 Delamere Creek Lane Brentwood, TN 37027 229 Peachtree Hills Avenue Unit 443 Atlanta, GA 30305 P.O. Box 130 Auburn, AL 36831 334-524-8541
25 Ravenel Point #264 Highlands, NC 28741
Coleman, Tom & Millie, 91 633 Garnet Rock Trail #81 Highlands, NC 28741
2065 Spring Lake Drive NW Atlanta, GA 30305 404-219-5915
C-D Collins, Lewis & Mary Alice, 156 600 Lost Trail #13 Highlands, NC 28741 Colson Harrison, Lindy & Robert Harrison, OL12A 134 Overlook Villas Drive (no mail) P.O. Box 2723 Highlands, NC 28741 Commander, Dr. Jon & Julie, 279 110 Hemlock Way Highlands, NC 28741 Cone, Ken & Sheila, 25 542 Cullasaja Club Drive #203 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-8615 Cook, Anne, 110 174 West View Way Highlands, NC 28741 Cooper, Tom , 220 118 Riverview Court #161 Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1123 Crawford, Fred & Mary Jane, 276 805 Crescent Trail Highlands, NC 28741
7319 Greystone Street Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
813-220-1191 - Lewis 813-817-2065 - Mary Alice lewisfcollins13@gmail.com macknife11@verizon.net 912-507-6891 - Robert 305-562-5816 - Lindy rlharrison498@outlook.com
5 East Macon Street Savannah, GA 31401 305-562-5816
mbcolson@aol.com 334-704-8188 - Jon fivejc@msn.com
519 Ogletree Road Auburn, AL 36830
219 Scenic Gulf Drive Unit 1010 Miramar Beach, FL 32550
229-403-1848 - Ken 229-224-2575 - Sheila kscone3468@gmail.com sheilarcone13@gmail.com annncook0725@gmail.com
50 Joe Pye Trail Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-3156
404-358-5633 tomcoop123@yahoo.com
135 Chicco Lane Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 843-884-0361
843-514-9859 - Fred 843-224-0785 - Mary Jane crawfrdf@musc.edu mjandfred@comcast.net 850-685-4703 - Mickey 850-685-4704 - Janie mickey.crews972@gmail.com jcrews1123@gmail.com 404-307-2004 - John 404-307-5501 - Lyn jmd312@gmail.com lynnieddog@gmail.com 404-725-2208 - Doug 404-550-3444 - Claudia douglasdavenport51@gmail.com cdavenport51@gmail.com
Crews, Mickey & Janie, 200 196 Kelsey Court, #200 Highlands, NC 28741
Darden, John & Lyn, 134S, 135 75 East View Way #28 Highlands, NC 28741
229 Peachtree Hills Ave. #213 Atlanta, GA 30305 46000 Fairway Drive Cottage #26 Indian Wells, CA 92210 3707 Peachtree Road NE Unit 8 Atlanta, GA 30319
Davenport, Doug & Claudia, 287 & 287A 369 Crescent Trail #34 Highlands, NC 28741
Davis, Oscar & Caroline, 299, 300 391 Cullasaja Club Drive #49 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-5827 Dawkins, Clint & Lane, 194 78 W. Kelsey Court #211 Highlands, NC 28741 Delabarre, Pierre & Georgia, 282 103 Hemlock Way #53 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-9343 DenBesten, Kris & Robin, 107 229 West View Way #170 Highlands, NC 28741
2724 Peachtree Road Unit 201 Atlanta, GA 30305 404-237-3525
404-213-2790 - Oscar 404-213-3895 - Caroline osdavis4200@gmail.com cjonesdavis@bellsouth.net 904-571-9090 - Clint 904-614-7976 - Lane clintdawkins@gmail.com lanedawkins@comcast.net 504-915-8320 - Pierre 504-458-6578 - Georgia pfv146@gmail.com gdelabarre@cox.net 407-913-2076 - Kris 407-256-0101 - Robin kris@vermeersoutheast.com rdenbesten5@gmail.com 404-353-5330 - Gary 404-431-4196 - Elizabeth dennisjg11@icloud.com eedennis57@yahoo.com 713-907-3413 - Hugh 713-899-5415 - Connie hughdill49@gmail.com dillymom96@gmail.com 404-229-5170 - Gary 404-307-9468 - Lisa gjdiorio1961@gmail.com lpdiorio@comcast.net 561-271-4369 - Dick 561-866-4920 - Cathy rpdonnellan@gmail.com catdnnll@gmail.com 617-721-0721 - Ben 617-571-0319 - Zibby bendoob@gmail.com zibby.doob@gmail.com 727-415-9333 - Al 727-510-3932 - Edie dopking@gmail.com edie@quantumleapfarm.org
140 Governors Road Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
1915 Octavia Street New Orleans, LA 70115
7055 Horizon Circle Windermere, FL 34786
Dennis, Gary & Elizabeth, 207 195 Kelsey Court #144 Highlands, NC 28741
4986 Long Island Drive NW Atlanta, GA 30327
Dillingham, Hugh & Connie, 306 96 Ravenel Point #162 Highlands, NC 28741
137 Long Point Drive Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
DiOrio, Gary & Lisa, 292, 293 121 Crescent Trail #140 Highlands, NC 28741
107 Lakeview Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30305
Donnellan, Dick & Cathy, 115, 116 845 Garnet Rock Trail #180 Highlands, NC 28741
3250 NE 6th Drive Boca Raton, FL 33431
Doob, Ben & Zibby 130, 131 814 Garnet Rock Trail #131 Highlands, NC 28741
220 Little John Trail NE Atlanta, GA 30309
Dopking, Al & Edie, 28 671 Cullasaja Club Drive #121 Highlands, NC 28741
10504 Woodstock Road Odessa, FL 33556
D-E Doughty, Steve & Landra, 141B, 142 974 Garnet Rock Trail #8 Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-2108 Draisin, Neil & Carolyn, 80, 224 1860 Cullasaja Club Drive #193 Highlands, NC 29741
9050 Old Southwick Pass Johns Creek, GA 30022 770-753-0108
678-234-7555 - Steve 770-241-2494 - Landra steve.doughty@bcgllc.net landrabdoughty@gmail.com 843-270-2020 - Neil 843-442-1010 - Carolyn ndraisin@draisinvision.com cdraisin@draisinvision.com 609-477-9486 - Joseph 434-390-0391 - Ellen joedunning49@gmail.com blackburn.ellen@yahoo.com 828-421-0414 - Ginny dunwody3@nctv.com ginnydunwody@gmail.com
21 Fairway Village Lane Isle of Palms, SC 29451
Dunning, Joseph & Ellen, 226 1920 Cullasaja Club Drive #137 Highlands, NC 28741
3337 Cochise Drive SE Atlanta, GA 30339
Dunwody, Elliott & Ginny, 232 1867 Cullasaja Club Drive #129 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-9204
Dzialo, Joseph & Leslie, 290 219 Crescent Trail #235 Highlands NC 28741
535 Putter Lane Longboat Key, FL 34228
978-886-7624 - Joe 978-886-4571 - Leslie jbdzialo@gmail.com
dzialo.leslie@gmail.com rickyeichman@yahoo.com margareteichman@earthlink.net
Eichman, Richard & Margaret, LV11, LV12 478 Lake Villas Way #153 Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1260 Ellerbe, Caroline & Frank, OL11 112 Overlook Villas Drive #108 Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1528 Elliott, Rick & Shana, 53 770 Cullasaja Club Drive #197 Highlands, NC 28741 Erikson, Janis, 237, 238 166 Crescent Trail #227 Highlands, NC 28741 828-482-2441 Ermentrout, Stone & Melly, 128, 134s 31 Cove View Drive #39 Highlands, NC 28741
908 Panama Court #304 Marco Island, FL 34145 239-642-8582
7510 Still Hopes Drive West Columbia, SC 29169
803-331-5961 - Frank 803-521-2736 - Caroline frankellerbe@yahoo.com ellerbeline@gmail.com 678-592-2906 - Rick 404-702-1178 - Shana raejrmail@yahoo.com shanagelliott@aol.com erikson28741@att.net
737 Belle Isle Drive Alpharetta, GA 30009
P.O. Box 909 Highlands, NC 28741
404-234-9001 - Stone 404-398-9815 - Melly stonetevis@gmail.com
Evans, Ed & Bonnie, 84 70 Lake Villas Way #91 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-1051
910-540-1403 - Bonnie flatwire60@gmail.com bonnieevans1945@outlook.com
Ezerski, Ronald & Leslie, 37 925 Cullasaja Club Drive #7 Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1905 Feibelman, Don & Mary Evelyn, 32 783 Cullasaja Club Drive #134 Highlands, NC 28741 Felvey, Forest & Beth, OL01, OL02 22 Overlook Villas Drive #273 Highlands, NC 28741
26531 Rookery Lake Drive Bonita Springs, FL 34134 239-947-7620
239-218-8706 - Ronald 293-405-1892 - Leslie rezerski@gmail.com diamondles@earthlink.net 478-318-8548 - Don 478-461-3172 - Mary Evelyn ndfeibelman@gmail.com 214-212-2472 - Forest 214-212-2491 - Beth ffelvey@outlook.com bfelvey@att.net 985-966-5486 - Eddie 985-276-7476 - Becky ejfield3@gmail.com becfield@charter.net 703-244-4588 - Lary 703-282-2292 - Nancy lfinger55@gmail.com nancykeane@mac.com 843-200-2499 - Dennis 843-200-7552 - Terry docfisher50@gmail.com tmbfisher@gmail.com 404-281-8432 - Scott 404-372-4052 - Marcy scott.fisher@agg.com marcy.bass@gmail.com 404-889-7785 - Colleen cflinnart@aol.com
3809 Marquette Street Dallas, TX 75225
Fielding, Eddie & Becky, 336 68 Fairway Cottage Lane Highlands, NC 28741
108 Riverdale Drive Covington, LA 70433
Finger, Larry & Nancy Keane, 285A (Lot)
190 Lily Loch Way Great Falls, VA 22066
Fisher, Dennis & Terry, 319 171 Cullasaja Club Drive #2 Highlands, NC 28741
1620 Marsh Harbor Lane Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Fisher, Scott & Marcy Bass, 318 157 Cullasaja Club Drive #267 Highlands, NC 28741
4193 River Cliff Chase Marietta, GA 30067
Flinn, Colleen M., 261 17 Sunset Trace #45 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-3938 Floyd, David & Lisa, 185 271 Lost Trail #282 Highlands, NC 28741
312 8th Avenue N Unit 202 Tierra Verde, FL 33715
32 Salt Cedar Lane Kiawah Island, SC 29455
843-607-3483 - David 260-445-8484 - Lisa david.k.floyd@gmail.com lisafloyd2@gmail.com
Ford, Chuck & Sheri, 302A, 303 277 Cullasaja Club Drive #239 Highlands, NC 28741
124 Scenic Loop Road Boerne, TX 78006
210-771-4627 - Chuck 210-771-1120 - Sheri chuckford70@gmail.com sford@gvtc.com 704-219-7321 - Frank 704-572-6919 - Rosalie ffnole@gmail.com rosalieforrest@gmail.com 703-395-1999 - Victor 571-216-7000 - Berty fransenvr@aol.com bertyfransen@gmail.com 706-577-5033 - Edward 706-442-5039 - Thersea egaffney@automateddorrways.com brenn0809@aol.com 318-470-8388 - Keith 318-470-8448 - Maureen keith@gambleguestcare.com gamble1963@aol.com 954-931-4782 - Dave dgiachos@icloud.com kgiachos@gmail.com 727-434-4498 - Jorge 727-434-0631 - Dacry jorgemgiroud@gmail.com darcygiroud@gmail.com 404-285-3875 ceglover23@gmail.com 239-248-1773 - John 305-773-7795 - Sara fumo1@me.com slcfumo@gmail.com
Forrest, Frank & Rosalie, 167 621 Lost Trail #176 Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1920 Fransen, Victor & Berty, 33 807 Cullasaja Club Drive #47 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-0353 Fumagalli, John & Sara, 190 149 Lost Trail Highlands, NC 28741
828 Spring Park Loop Celebration, FL 34747
188 Muirfield Drive Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 904-273-5900
1115 Campo Sano Avenue Coral Gables, FL 33146
Gaffney, Edward & Thersea, 159 692 Lost Trail #277 Highlands, NC 28741
5746 Clarendon Drive Naples, FL 34113
Gamble, Keith & Maureen, LV16, LV17S 520 Lake Villas Way Highlands, NC 28741
3474 Scenic Hwy 98 Destin, FL 32541
Giachos, Dave & Kerri, LV01 196 Lake Villas Way #202 Highlands, NC 28741 Giroud, Dr. Jorge & Darcy 288 297 Crescent Trail #186 Highlands, NC 28741 Glover, Carolyn, 229B 2050 Cullasaja Club Drive #124 Highlands, NC 28741 770-952-3155 Godwin, Tim & Maureen, 52 808 Cullasaja Club Drive #136 Highlands, NC 28741
117 Edmor Road West Palm Beach, FL 33405
21 Franklin Ct. S, Unit A St. Petersburg, FL 33711
768 Fox Hollow Pky Marietta, GA 30068 770-952-3155
555 Fifth Avenue NE #1211 St. Petersburg, FL 33701
727-515-6658 - Tim 727-424-3661 - Maureen atgodwin808@gmail.com mgodwin821@gmail.com
Goodwin, Dennis & Michelle, 104 175 West View Way Highlands, NC 28741
42 Freeport Drive Daufuskie Island, SC 29915
843-422-2993 - Dennis 843-422-2994 -Michelle dennisgood@aol.com basketglor@aol.com 601-942-1544 jangraham1955@gmail.com 210-859-2261 - Bill 210-240-6388 - Louree bill.greehey@nustarenergy.com lbg812@aol.com 415-307-3538 - Roger 415-235-7687 - Connie rogergreer@sbcglobal.net cbmoore0807@gmail.com 678-427-5569 - Jim jimmygriffin66@gmail.com 404-931-4629 - Ron 404-402-3216 - Claudia ron.griffin1@gmail.com griffin.claudia@gmail.com 404-520-0697 - Alex 404-274-4491 - Joanne axel144@aol.com joannec50@aol.com 256-783-2883 - Tom 256-783-2887 - Anna tomguffey@aol.com annaguffey@aol.com 571-213-2754 - Michael 571-228-1748 - Linda hamel.michael1@gmail.com lindavh0520@gmail.com 904-591-3702 - Jack 904-612-4385 - Debbie jhanania@hananiaautos.com debnjak1@att.net
Graham, Jan, 41A 44 Bee Tree Lane #260 Highlands, NC 28741 Greehey, William & Louree, 211 137 Kelsey Court #46 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-2576 Greer Roger & Connie Moore, 325 1121 & 1131 Garnet Rock Trail Highlands, NC 28741 Griffin, Jr., Jim, 11, 12, 7S 80 Lake Court #158 (no mail) Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-9918 Griffin, Ron & Claudia, 24 520 Cullasaja Club Drive Highlands, NC 28741 Gross, Alex & Joanne, 218 98 Riverview Court #71 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-1598 Guffey, Tom & Anna, 66 650 Cullasaja Club Drive #143 Highlands, NC 28741
9 Elmcourt San Antonio, TX 78209 210-698-9355
1170 Sacramento Street Unit 8D San Francisco, CA 94108
5685 Long Island Drive Atlanta, GA 30327
30 Queens Street Charleston, SC 29401
1050 Spalding Club Court Dunwoody, GA 30338 678-587-9680
2509 Croasdaile Farm Pkwy #6 Durham, NC 27705
Hamel, Michael & Linda, 285A (Lot)
2122 River Road Jacksonville, FL 32207
Hanania, Jack & Debbie, 265 27 Crescent Court Highlands, NC 28741
Harris, Frank & Gail, 38 11 Bee Tree Lane #54 Highlands, NC 28741 828-482-0474 Harris, Hensell & Toddie, 225, 298 485 Cullasaja Club Drive #206 Highlands, NC 28741
256-496-2600 - Frank 256-234-9344 - Gail fwharris1@gmail.com svgailc@gmail.com 678-427-7352 - Hensell 678-427-7354 - Toddie hensell.harris@wshpc.net toddieharris@gmail.com 561-289-6522 - Joe 954-829-0555 - Jacquie jrharris2501@gmail.com jacquieharris7117@gmail.com 404-307-3753 - Charles 404-317-6695 - Nancy cbharrison@reit-funding.com nsharrison@me.com 949-940-3000 - Rick 503-307-3616 - Elizabeth ricktick@me.com goodlizzy@icloud.com 405-503-7003 - Jean paulhead614@gmail.com jeanhead614@gmail.com 772-205-5093 - Tim 203-417-2993- Rosemary theaviside@gmail.com theheavisides@aol.com 972-571-0749 - Michael 972-998-6712 - Michelle
412 Palm Drive St. Simons Island, GA 31522
Harris, Joe & Jacquie, 198 20 Kelsey Court #35 Highlands, NC 28741
550 SE 5th Avenue S-805 Boca Raton, FL 33432
Harrison, Charles & Nancy, 310, 311 65 Ravenel Point (no mail) Highlands, NC 28741
81 Peachtree Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30309
Hartbrodt, Rick & Elizabeth, LV05 394 Lake Villas Way #265 Highlands, NC 28741
3 Crooked Creek Lane Savannah, GA 31411
Head, Paul & Jean, 29 709 Cullasaja Club Drive #44 Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-8152 Heaviside, Tim & Rosemary Catanzaro, 273 891 Crescent Trail #245 Highlands, NC 28741
4849 River Village Drive Vero Beach, FL 32967
Hicks, Michael & Michelle, 155 (Lot)
631 Creekway Drive Irving, TX 75039
michael@hicks.net michelle@hicks.net rucker@dnet.net
Highlands Bolivian Mission, 143 (Lot) Hill, Jack & Jo, 62 215 Garnet Rock Trail #285 Highlands, NC 28741 828-482-1264 Hoffman, Dr. Allen & Betsy, 210 153 Kelsey Court Highlands, NC 28741
P.O. Box 1358 Highlands, NC 28741
843-742-0005 - Jack 404-273-1473 - Jo jackhill4796@gmail.com johill4796@gmail.com 404-906-6821 - Allen 678-429-4492 - Betsy cullasaja@bellsouth.net betsychoffman@gmail.com
1551 Beaumont Drive NW Kennesaw, GA 30152
Hoffmann, Dr. John & Chrissa, 304 64 Ravenel Point #17 Highlands, NC 28741 Holman, Wiveca, 305 80 Ravenel Point #30 Highlands, NC 28741 Hood, David & Maureen, 333 30 Fairway Cottage Lane #66 Highlands, NC 28741 Hott, Steve & Michelle, 286A P.O. Box 2142, Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-9572 Howard, Dennis & Sandy, 101 95 West View Way #278 Highlands, NC 28741 Huffines, Travis & Carolyn, 158 684 Lost Trail Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-8292 Huffman, Rocky & Martha, 27 629 Cullasaja Club Drive Highlands, NC 28741 828-526-5651 Hufstetler, Steve & Teresa, 34, 35 843 Cullasaja Club Drive #122 Highlands, NC 28741 Hughes, Timothy & Gail, 277A 81 Sunset Trace P.O. Box 1236, Highlands, NC 28741 828-787-1543 Hunt, Diana & Bill Ritchie, 30 721 Cullasaja Club Drive Highlands, NC 28741 Howard, Michael & Catherine, 161 724 Lost Trail #82 Highlands, NC 28741
125 Ocean Way Vero Beach, FL 32963
502-345-2843 - John 502-345-2842 - Chrissa john.f.hoffmann@gmail.com cfhdressage@bellsouth.net 352-262-9091 - Wiveca wivecab@yahoo.com 615-300-7379 - David 615-300-5004 - Maureen hoodstar1@aol.com mlhood76@aol.com 828-421-4121 - Steve soundmann02@aol.com songbird000004@aol.com 225-937-5328 - Dennis 225-721-1717 - Sandy dennisrhoward@gmail.com sandygh53@gmail.com 504-451-0031 - Michael 504-451-0030 - Catherine howard@perfarch.com bisso@perfarch.com 770-289-0452 - Travis tchuffines@gmail.com 706-346-7894 - Rocky 706-331-7383 - Martha rocky512@aol.com martihuff@aol.com 229-224-1995 - Steve 229-221-1658 - Teresa steve@teramore.net teramore@att.net 770-375-1309 - Tim 404-702-1605 - Gail timwhughes@comcast.net gailchughes@aol.com 312-342-4166 - Bill 602-315-3131- Diana wpritchie46@gmail.com goddessoth@aol.com
1211 Natureland Ct Mount Dora, FL 32757
9102 Gasserway Court Brentwood, TN 37027
911 State Street New Orleans, LA 7011
9290 Old Southwick Pass Johns Creek, GA 30022 770-664-2305
10 Oakmont Drive SW Rome, GA 30161
2189 US HWY 319S Thomasville, GA 31792
36 Prioleau Street, Unit E Charleston, SC 29401 843-722-1174
1050 Beach Road #3H Vero Beach, FL 32963
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