2022 Golf - Guidebook
Sun. Sept. 18
Sunday Couples Gol f Sunday, September 18 th | 1:00 p.m. Shotgun | $90 per couple - Dinner included If the team records a birdie gentlemen move back one tee box for the next hole. If the team records bogey all players move forward one tee box for the next hole. If the team records a par all players play the same tee box for the next hole. Tees: Gentlemen will start from the White Tees. Ladies will start from the Red Tees Handicaps: A-25% | B-20% | C-15% | D-10% players Prizes: Awarded to the low net scores Format: 18-Hole Modified Scramble | 4 - Person Teams
Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com
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