2022 Golf - Guidebook

Cullasaja Club Golf Tournament Schedule & Events

1371 Cul lasa ja Club Drive | HIGHLANDS , N. C. 28741 | (828) 526 -3531 | WWW.CULLASAJACLUB.ORG

1371 Cul lasa ja Club Drive | HIGHLANDS , N. C. 28741 | (828) 526 -3531 | WWW.CULLASAJACLUB.ORG

1371 Cul lasa ja Club Drive | HIGHLANDS , N. C. 28741 | (828) 526 -3531 | WWW.CULLASAJACLUB.ORG

1371 Cul lasa ja Club Drive | HIGHLANDS , N. C. 28741 | (828) 526 -3531 | WWW.CULLASAJACLUB.ORG


1371 Cul lasa ja Club Drive | HIGHLANDS , N. C. 28741 | (828) 526 -3531 | WWW.CULLASAJACLUB.ORG

1371 Cul lasa ja Club Drive | HIGHLANDS , N. C. 28741 | (828) 526 -3531 | WWW.CULLASAJACLUB.ORG

1371 Cul lasa ja Club Drive | HIGHLANDS , N. C. 28741 | (828) 526 -3531 | WWW.CULLASAJACLUB.ORG

Weekly Golf Games GOLF

Week ly Gol f Games

Scratch Game 12pm Shotgun 9-Hole Men 1pm Shotgun MON.


Scratch Game 10:30am Shotgun Twilight Golf 4 pm Shotgun WEDS.

THURS. Warriors 9am Shotgun



WGA - 18 8:30am Shotgun WGA - 9 10:30am Shotgun

Scratch Game 12 pm Shotgun

Warriors 9 am Shotgun 9-Hole Men 9:30 am Shotgun Saturday Game 10:30 am Shotgun

9-Hole Men 10am Shotgun (Back 9)

Tuesday Game 11:30am Shotgun

Thursday Game 11:30am Shotgun

Call the Starter @ (828)526-6446 to Sign-up.

Golf Clinics GOLF

Gol f Cl inics

Cap Patrol App Seminar This is your opportunity to learn about Cap Patrol and all the benefits and features of the new app associated with your handicap postings. The program size will not be limited. Wednesday, June 8 th - 1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m. Cost FREE Golf “Happy Hour” This interactive program will be geared to cover various golf topics. Each session will have a main theme or golf related topic. The sessions are designed to be interactive with member participation. NO clubs will be required. Please sign up for each “Happy Hour” Cash Bar will be provided. Learn the secrets on how to effectively execute the low, running shots from around the green. Learn the secrets on how to effectively execute the high lofted pitch shot and learn when to chip vs. pitch. The program size will be limited to 8 members. Friday, July 8 th - 1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m. Cost $40 per member Greenside Bunker Play Learn the secrets on how to effectively execute the high lofted greenside bunker shot. The program size will be limited to 8 members. Tuesday, August 9 th - 2:00p.m. - 3:00p.m. Cost $40 per member Putting Clinic The “Putting Clinic” is geared to all levels of ability. The Clinic will focus on the design of the club, set-up, attitude and the two most important fundamentals Distance and Direction. The Clinic will also cover the process and routines in reading greens and breaking putts. The program will be limited to 8 members. Thursday, September 15 th - 1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m. Cost $40 per member Friday, June 10 th - “Trackman” 5:30p.m. - 6:30p.m. Friday, July 15 th - “Face to Path” 5:30p.m. - 6:30p.m. Cost $10 per member Chipping vs. Pitching

JR. Golf Clinics GOLF

Junior Gol f Cl inics

Beginner Junior Clinics

Junior Round-Up

The Junior Round-Up is geared to the Advanced Junior Golfer!! The purpose of the Junior Round Up is to strengthen a child’s interest and development in the game in a more competitive atmosphere. The sessions will emphasize the importance of the basic fundamentals, golf course etiquette and rules of golf. All children must be experienced in WALKING and CARRYING their own bag. Each session will consist of a ½ hour instructional clinic and nine holes of golf with a variety of formats and contests. Following golf we will conclude with dinner and prizes. Available:

These clinics is geared to the new or beginner golfer AGES 4 - 6 . Each session will cover the basic fundamentals of the short game and full shots. The program will be limited to 12 junior

members. Available: Sunday, June 19th Sunday, June 26th Cost $30 per clinic. Junior Clinics

1:30p.m. - 2:30p.m. 1:30p.m. - 2:30p.m.

These clinics are geared to all levels of ability. Each session will cover the basic fundamentals of the short game and full shots. The program will be limited to 12 junior members AGES 7 - 12 . Available: Sunday, June 19th 3:30p.m. - 5:00p.m. Sunday, June 26th 3:30p.m. - 5:00p.m. Cost $40 per clinic. Please sign up for each scheduled clinic separately. Contact the Professional Staff to sign up! 828-526-9057

Tuesday, June 21 st 3:00p.m. - 6:00p.m Tuesday, June 28 th 3:00p.m. - 6:00p.m. Cost $45 per Round-Up

Demo Days 11-4 GOLF

Demo Days - 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

May 26 th June 16 th July 15 th August 19 th September 16 th XXIO

CALLAWAY June 10 th July 8 th August 5 th

TAYLORMADE June 10 th July 14 th August 8 th


June 9 th

Twilight Golf GOLF

Twi l ight Gol f






4:00 p.m. Shotgun Friday, May 6 th Friday, May 13 th Wed., May 18 th Wed., May 25 th

4:00 p.m. Shotgun Wed., June 1 st Wed., June 8 th Wed., June 15 th Wed., June 22 nd Wed., June 29 th

4:00 p.m. Shotgun Wed., July 6 th Wed., July 13 th Wed., July 20 th Wed., July 27 th

4:00 p.m. Shotgun Wed., Aug. 3 rd Wed., Aug. 10 th Wed., Aug. 17 th Wed., Aug. 24 th Wed., Aug. 31 st

4:00 p.m. Shotgun Friday, Sept. 9 th Wed., Sept. 14 th Wed., Sept. 21 st Wed., Sept. 28 th

3:30 p.m. Shotgun Wed., Oct. 5 th Wed., Oct. 12 th Wed., Oct. 19 th Wed., Oct. 26 th

Call the Starter @ (828)526-6446 to Sign-up.

Shoot Out GOLF

Saturday Night Shoot-Out

TEAMS: Two person teams. Teams can be Men, Men & Women or Women. FORMAT: Alternate Shot. Players determine who will tee off from the odd/even holes. HANDICAPS: Handicaps will be given at 50% of the team total, off the low team in the Shoot-Out. Strokes will be given where they fall on the card. Strokes will be adjusted as the low team is eliminated.

June 18 th July 16 th August 20 th September 17 th

ENTRY FEE: $20 cash per player. ELIMINATION: Low net scores will advance to the next hole. The highest net scores will be eliminated each hole until two teams remain going to the 9th and final hole. TIES: Ties will be broken by a chip-off. Both team members chip. All players must turn around. If a tie occurs on the 9th hole, the hole will be played again. The player who did not tee-off on the 9th will hit the tee shot when the hole is played again. PAYOUT: Cash will be awarded to the top 3 teams.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Saturday May 7

Kentucky Derby “ABCD Scramble” Saturday, May 7 th | 10:00 a.m. Shotgun $55 - includes: Lunch & Prizes FORMAT 18 Hole “ABCD” Scramble. Each team will play a scramble comprised of an A, B, C, & D player. Each team must contribute two drives from each player. Teams are determined in a blind draw at 9:00am – ABCD drawing!! HANDICAPS A-25% | B-20% | C-15% | D-10% players HORSE RACE Each team must select a horse from today’s race. If the horse you selected finishes 3rd your team may deduct two (2) shots from your net score. If the horse you select finishes 2nd your team may deduct (4) shots from your net score. If your horse wins the 2022 Kentucky Derby your team may deduct eight (8) shots from your net score. HELP FROM THE PRO A Pro, will be on the 7th hole. Each team will have the option to choose Pro’s tee shot for the team. PRIZES Paid to low net scores in the field.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Sunday May 29

Memorial Day Gol f Event Sunday, May 29 th | All Day | $10 per player

FORMAT Individual Stableford – 1 Point for Bogey 2 Points for Par

3 Points for Birdie 4 Points for Eagle

HANDICAPS Players shall receive 95% of their USGA handicap.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Fri. & Sat. June 3 & 4

Men’s Member - Member Championship Friday & Satruday, June 3 rd - 4 th | $195 per player - includes Food, Alcohol, Tee Gift & Awards Friday, June 3 rd Tee Times beginning at 10:00 a.m. Pinehurst (Modified Alternate Shot - Holes 1-9) Two Person Scramble (Holes 10-18) Stag Night Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Saturday, June 4 th Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. Shotgun Start at 10:00 a.m. Better Ball of Partners Lunch & Awards following play

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com

Mon.-Thur. June 13 - 16 GOLF

Jr. Gol f Camp Monday - Thursday, June 13 th - 16 th | $250 per child | Boys & Girls Ages (recommended) 7 - Up Camp participants receive 6 hours of group instruction each day covering all aspects of Golf. The 4-day camp will review course etiquette, putting, chip ping, bunker play & full swing. Each child will participate in goal setting through Operation 36. Operation 36 teaches each golfer how to break 36 in 9 holes beginning at 50-yards and advance backwards in 25-yard increments upon reaching their goal.

Schedule of Events: June 13 th - June 16 th

9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. - Pitching vs. Chipping 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Putting & Bunker Play 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Full Swing 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Lunch in Clubhouse 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Operation 36

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Sun. June 19

Grandfather/Father Gol f Chal lenge Sunday, June 19 th | All Day | $55 per team- includes - Lunch & Prizes

Format One-Best Ball of the Twosome Handicaps Teams will receive 85% of their handicap. Prizes Golf Shop credit will be awarded to the low net scores.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com

Cullasaja Club Thursday, June 23 rd - Friday, June 24 th

$995 2022 MixedMember-Guest

‘ Dia De Los Muertos ‘ Schedule of Events Wednesday, June 22nd 10:00 a.m. - Optional Practice Round Shotgun (Guest and Cart Fee Included) Cullasaja Club Thursday, June 23RD 10:30 a.m. - Registration + Lunch 12:30 p.m. - Shotgun Start - Round 1 6:30 p.m. - Ofrendas Dinner Friday, June 24th 8:00 a.m. - Breakfast @ Clubhouse 10:00 a.m. - Shotgun Start - Round 2 2:30 p.m. - Awards Luncheon 4:00p.m. -OptionalCouples’ TwilightGolf (Guest and Cart Fee Included)


Sat. July 2

Flag Day Gol f Event Saturday, July 2 nd | All Day | $10 per person FORMAT: Each player will receive a Flag. Each player will then be given a score quota (course handicap +72). When the player reaches their score quota they will place the Flag in the ground where that last shot landed. Farthest Flag will be the winner.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Sun. July 10

Couples’ Cup Sunday, July 10 th | 18 Holers - 1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start | 9 Holers - 3:00 p.m. Shotgun Start | $95 per couple

Format: Modified Net Best Ball of the Foursome One Best Ball of 4 on the Par 5’s Two Best Balls of 4 on the Par 4’s Three Best Balls of 4 on the Par 3’s Handicaps: Players will receive 100% of their handicap Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to the low net scores

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com

MEN’S INVITATIONAL July 21 st, 22 nd & 23 rd Tournament Schedule of Events

Thursday, July 21st 7:30 am Breakfast 9:00 am Shotgun Start - Match 1 & 2 Lunch for Participants 6:00 pm Stag Night (Country Club Casual)

Friday, July 22nd 7:30 am Breakfast 9:00 am Shotgun Start - Match 3 & 4 Lunch for Participants 3:00 pm Optional Short Course Tournament (Open evening with spouses) Saturday, July 23rd 8:30 am Breakfast 10:30 am Shotgun Start – Match 5 1:00 pm Scoring & Lunch 2:00 pm Flight Winners’ Shoot-Out 6:00 pm Cocktails & Awards Dinner & Dancing (Country Club Casual)

Tel: 828-526-9057 | Email:cbeurmann@cullasaja-club.com


Sun. Aug. 7

9 & Dine Sunday, August 7 th | 5:00 p.m. Shotgun Start | $45 per person Format: 4 - Person Scramble Handicaps: Handicaps A-25% | B-20% | C-15% | D-10% players

Come out and enjoy Golf with your friends while tasting delicious appetizers & cocktails from around the world on each hole!

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com

GOLF Thurs. Aug. 11 & 25



Whiteside Cup Matches Thursday, August 11 th & August 25 th (Here) (OEC) 9:00 a.m. Breakfast at the Range | 10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start | $50 per person - included Breakfast & Lunch Format: Two Cullasaja Club members will play two Old Edwards Club members in an 18-hole Nassau. One point will be awarded for the front nine. One point will be awarded for the back nine. One point will be awarded for the 18 hole total. The winning team retains the trophy and bragging rights. Handicaps: 90% handicap of the low man in each match

We will travel to Old Edwards Club on Thursday, August 25 th .

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com

GOLF Fri. & Sat. Aug. 12 & 13

Doug & Monica Treadwell 2021 Club Champions

Club Championship Friday & Saturday, August 12 th -13 th | Tee times will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Friday & Saturday Entry Fee: $75.00 – 36 Hole Divisions (18 holes each day) $75.00 – 18 Hole Division (9 holes each day)


















Awards & Reception: Staging Area Following play on Saturday.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Sun. Sept. 4

Labor Day Quota Sunday, September 4 th | All Day | $10 per person

Format: Individual Quota Quotas are determined by subtracting a player’s handicap from 36. 1 Point for Bogey 2 Points for Par

3 Points for Birdie 4 Points for Eagle 5 Points for Double Eagle Handicaps: Players shall receive 100% of their USGA handicap in determining their Individual Quota (i.e. Handicap – 36 = Quota)

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Sun. Sept. 18

Sunday Couples Gol f Sunday, September 18 th | 1:00 p.m. Shotgun | $90 per couple - Dinner included If the team records a birdie gentlemen move back one tee box for the next hole. If the team records bogey all players move forward one tee box for the next hole. If the team records a par all players play the same tee box for the next hole. Tees: Gentlemen will start from the White Tees. Ladies will start from the Red Tees Handicaps: A-25% | B-20% | C-15% | D-10% players Prizes: Awarded to the low net scores Format: 18-Hole Modified Scramble | 4 - Person Teams

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com

Fri. & Sat. Sept. 23 & 24 GOLF

Cul lasaja Cup Friday & Saturday, September 23 rd -24 th | Eligibility: All Male Golf Members | $195 per player - alcohol included in entry

Teams: Two balanced teams will be formed. (Maximum of 80 players) Captains: GOLF (Jim Moore) GREENS (Brian Rice) Format: Match #1 - Two Player Team (Modified Alternate Shot) - “Foursomes” Match #2 - Two Player Team (Scramble) – “Two Person Scramble” Match #3 - Two Player Team (Best Ball) – “Four Ball” Match #4 - Individual Matches – “Singles”

Schedule Thursday, September 22 nd 6:00 p.m. Pairing Party Friday, September 23 rd 10:00a.m. Shotgun – Match 1 12:00p.m. to 12:45 p.m. - Lunch (10th Tee & Fairway) 1:00p.m. Shotgun – Match 2 6:30p.m. Cocktails 7:00p.m. Dinner Saturday, September 24 th 10:00a.m. Shotgun - Match 3 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. - Lunch (10th Tee & Fairway) 1:00p.m. Shotgun - Match 4 Scoring & appetizers in staging area following play.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Sat. Oct. 1

Fal l Member - Guest Saturday, October 1 st | 11:00 a.m. Shotgun | $95 per player - Guest Fee, Lunch at Fairway Cafe & Awards with Cocktails and Hors D’oeuvres at Scoreboard

Format: Two Best Balls of the Foursome. Handicaps: Handicaps will be given 85% • Members may bring one or three guests. • Twosomes will be paired with other twosomes.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Tues. May 24

WGA Opening Day Tuesday, May 24 th | 9:30 a.m. Shotgun | Lunch & Meeting to follow play in Sweetwater Room


HANDICAPS: 25% - A | 20% - B | 15% - C | 10% - D Scorecards need to be turned in by 12:00 p.m. to be eligible for competition. Please bring scorecards to the Sweet Water for luncheon and meeting!

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com

Mon. & Tues. June 6 - 7 WGA

Laurel Cup Monday & Tuesday, June 6 th - 7 th

Monday, 1:00 p.m. Shotgun for both 18 & 9-Holers Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. 18-holers - 10:30 a.m. 9-holers

FORMAT: Two-day ringer tournament 18 and 36-hole divisions. HANDICAPS: Played with 95% handicap Scorecards need to be turned in by 1:00 p.m. to be eligible for competition.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com

Mon. & Tues. July 11 - 12 WGA

President’s Cup Monday & Tuesday, July 11 th - 12 th

Monday, 1:00 p.m. Shotgun for both 18 & 9-Holers Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. 18-holers - 10:30 a.m. 9-holers FORMAT: Two-day ringer tournament 18 and 36-hole divisions. Stableford Scoring HANDICAPS: Played with 95% handicap Scorecards need to be turned in by 1:00 p.m. to be eligible for competition.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Mon. & Tues. July 25 - 26

Member - Member Monday & Tuesday, July 25 th - 26 th Monday, 1:00 p.m. Shotgun for both 18 & 9-Holers Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. 18-holers - 10:30 a.m. 9-holers FORMAT: Better Ball of Two 18 and 36-hole divisions. HANDICAPS: Played with 85% handicap Scorecards need to be turned in by 1:00 p.m. to be eligible for competition.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Tues. Sept. 20

Patriot’s Cup Tuesday, September 20 th | 8:30 a.m. 18-holers | 10:30 a.m. 9-holers

FORMAT 18-Holers: Holes 1-9 - Modified Pinehurt Format Holes 10 - 18 - Scramble Format 9-Holers: Holes 1 - 9 - Scramble Format HANDICAPS: Holes 1-9 | 60% - A player | 35% - B player. Holes 10-18 | 35% - A player | 15% - B player. Scorecards need to be turned in by 1:00 p.m. to be eligible for competition.

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com


Tues. Sept. 27

Closing Day Tuesday, September 27 th | 9:30 a.m. Shotgun | Luncheon following play


HANDICAPS: 25% - A | 20% - B | 15% - C | 10% - D Scorecards need to be turned in by 12:00 p.m. to be eligible for competition. Please bring scorecards to the Sweet Water for luncheon!

Call, text or email the starter to sign up: 828-526-6446 | starter@cullasaja-club.com

1371 Cul lasa ja Club Drive | HIGHLANDS , N. C. 28741 | (828) 526 -3531 | WWW.CULLASAJACLUB.ORG

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