Cullasaja Club Membership Sponsor and Approval Process Guidebook


We publish new candidates to the membership so that any member possessing relevant information may step forward to help us in our deliberations. A 15-day posting period is required to give ample time for member input on all candidates.


As information is gathered, it is carefully reviewed by the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee will interview each candidate and meet to review each candidate and make a recommendation to the Board of Governors.


The Board reviews the recommendations of the Membership Committee and makes the final decision on each candidate. Ultimately, it is the Board’s decision whether to extend an invitation to a candidate. Ideally, a current Club member will invite a close friend for membership in the Club; however, often times due to the sale of homes in the community, new member candidates arrive without knowing another member. One of the roles of the Membership Committee and Membership Director is to guide new Cullasaja residents down the path of acceptance. Set forth below are the basic steps in the membership process to become an Accepted Candidate:


Member candidates will be asked to complete a standard data form that contains personal information such as their contact information, education, business background, philanthropic endeavors, personal interests, other clubs, etc. The form must be completed by the Candidate and their spouse or significant other.

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